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扬州大学本科生毕业论文 YZNS 公司薪酬管理问题探析与对策探讨 Commented [微软用户 1]: 黑体小二号字,居中 Commented [微软用户 2]: 仿宋小四号,居中,并请严格 2003 级工商管理专业 某某 031831423 指导老师:某某 按此顺序 Commented [微软用户 3]: 黑体小四号 摘要:人力资源作为竞争力的源泉在知识经济时代发挥着越来越重要的作用,企业 的竞争就是人才的竞争,如何吸引人才、激励人才、留住人才是企业管理中一个永恒的 课题。建立对外具有竞争性,对内具有公正性的薪酬管理体系更是市场经济体制下的民 营企业管理者直面的主要难题。本文采用问卷调查、重点访谈等研究方法进行实证分析, 揭示了 YZNS 公司在薪酬管理中存在的主要问题,剖析了问题产生的主要原因,并从不 同角度提出了相应的解决对策,目的是帮助 YZNS 公司改善薪酬管理现状,提升企业的 Commented [微软用户 4]: 楷体小四号 绩效水平和整体竞争力。 关键词:民营企业,薪酬管理,岗位评价 Abstract:The human resources are playing the more and more vital role as the fountainhead of competitive ability in the Knowledge-base economy times. Competition between enterprises is competition between talented people. How to attract the talented person, drove the talented person, detains the talented person is an eternal topic in the business management. Establish competitive and fair salary management system is the main difficult problem which the privately operated enterprises face directly under the market economy system. This article uses questionnaire survey, conversationnaire survey research technique to carry on the real diagnosis analysis. Which has promulgated the main questions and causes in YZNS Corporation that exists in the salary management, and proposed the corresponding countermeasure? The goal is helps YZNS Corporation to improve the salary management, promote enterprise's achievements level


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