Fashion中职英语拓展模块Unit 3课件3语文版.ppt

Fashion中职英语拓展模块Unit 3课件3语文版.ppt

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? Do you know the history of Levis jeans? Read the text and do the following exercise. ? 1. Who made the first jeans? When were the first jeans made? ? 2.What color were the jeans at first? ? 3. How were the jeans become “blue jeans”? ? 4. When did jeans become fashionable? ? 5. How did the fashion change in the seventies? ? 1. Who made the first jeans? When were the first jeans made? Levi Strauss made the first jeans in 1850. ? 2.What color were the jeans at first? Brown ? 3. How were the jeans become “blue jeans”? Strauss had the material dark blue. The resulting trousers then become known as “blue jeans.” 4. When did jeans become fashionable? In the nineteen fifties and sixties, jean became fashionable. 5.How did the fashion change in the seventies? Jeans became very very tight. Read the text carefully and find out the following sentences in the text, translate the words in bold and try to translate the sentences. ? 1. Each time you step into your old jeans, you are putting on a piece of history. ? 2. The trousers sold well, and Strauss began looking around for ways of making them even stronger. ? 3. Strauss didn't take much notice of this until the 1940's, when a company official experienced the problem first-hand. ? 4. The miners' old work pants gradually have become more and more varied. 编者语 ? 要如何做到上课认真听讲? ? 我们都知道一个人的注意力集中时间是有限的,一节课 45 分钟如何保持时时刻刻都能认真听讲不走神呢? ? 1 、往前坐 ? 坐的位置越靠后,注意力就越难集中。老师不会注意到你的事实可以让你不再紧张,放心去做别的事情。坐在后面,视线分散,哪怕你是在看老师,如果有人移动,你的视线就会飘到那个同学的后脑勺上去,也就无法集中注意力。 而且,坐在后面很 难读到老师的表情。认真听讲不单纯是指听老师说的话,把握老师的表情和语调之类的小细节也是很有必要的。说话比平时更用力,或者表情严肃地强调的那个部分几乎百分之百地会出现在考试中。但是如果坐在后面,那种重要的提示就全都错过了。 ? 与此相反,如果坐在前面,首先心情就很不同,自己比别人靠前的感觉让你听课时的态度变得更积极。与老师眼神交会的机会增多,感觉就好像是老师在做一对一个人辅导。 ? 有的学生恰恰就是因为这一点,讨厌坐在前面。和老师眼神交会非常有负担,稍微做点儿小动作就会被老师发现,非常不方便。而且坐在前面说不定还会被问到一些难以回答的问题。 ? 但是,那却是提升成绩最快的方法。学习要带有一定程度的紧张感,坐在前面,自然而然就会紧张起来。没有必要自己费心思集中精神,那种环境就能帮助你做到。虽然看上去好像不太方便,但其实那才是最便于学习的位置。 ?


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