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大连东软信息学院毕业论文 摘要 PAGE PAGE 1 大连东软信息学院本科毕业论文 PAGE PAGE 2 摘要 如今,大小商品都能通过网上购买,网购已经成为生活中重要的一部分,各大网站不断推陈出新制定方案来吸引消费者,为了帮助网站更好地从自身和消费者的角度制定方案,本文从个体特征和购买情境两个角度出发,旨在研究这两方面是否对消费者冲动性购买意愿产生影响?具体产生的影响是正向还是负向的?得出消费者个体特征与购买情境与销售者冲动性购买意愿之间的关系。利用前人的研究成果,本文构建了购买情境和个体特征与冲动性购买意愿之间关系的概念图,并提出相应的研究假设。最后利用问卷调查得到的数据,利用SPSS19.0软件进行实证分析,分别得到购买情境与冲动性购买意愿的回归结果和消费者个体特征与冲动性意愿的回归结果。研究结果表明,在购买情境方面,价格促销、图文展示和网站声誉都可以很好刺激消费者,对冲动性购买意愿有正向作用,而支付结果不显著;在消费者个人特征方面,购物享乐、个性心理会促进消费者的花费更多的时间浏览网站,增加冲动性购买,而认知水平回归结果不显著。最终根据结论对网站就消费者和自身方面提出四点建议,提高网站的核心竞争力,稳定其运营。 关键词:个体特征,购买情境,冲动性购买意愿 Abstract Nowadays, large and small goods can be purchased online, and online shopping has become an important part of life. The major websites continue to draw new plans to attract consumers. In order to help websites make better plans from the perspective of themselves and consumers, this article is designed from two perspectives of individual characteristics and purchase situations. Do these two aspects affect consumers' impulse buying intention? Is the specific impact positive or negative? The relationship between consumers' individual characteristics, purchase situation and impulse buying intention of sellers is obtained. Using the previous research results, this paper constructs the concept map of the relationship between purchasing situation and individual characteristics and impulse buying intention, and puts forward the corresponding research hypothesis. Finally, using the data obtained by the questionnaire, the SPSS19.0 software is used to make an empirical analysis, and the regression results of the purchase situation and impulse buying intention and the regression results of the individual characteristics and impulse intention of the consumer are obtained. The results show that price promotion, graphic display and website reputation can stimulate consumers well in the purchasing situation, and have positive effects o


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