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学习资料 5B unit7 Chinese festivals story time 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, September, October, May 等。 2. 根据课文内容的描述,了解四个节日及其相对应的月份和以及人们的活动。 3. 能正确的理解和朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 4. 通过讨论,讲述自己最喜爱的节日。 教学重难点 : 1 . 能正确的理解和朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 2 根据课文内容的信息讲述自己最喜爱的节日。 3 四个节日及相关月份的单词拼读。 教材分析: 本板块介绍了中国传统的对四种节日,学习了四种节日的英文表达方式,即春 节 Spring Festival, 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival, 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival, 重阳节 Double Ninth Festival 并通过此板块学习新词组: get together ,climb mountains, at the festival ,in September ,look at the moon 教学准备: PPT课件、板书等。 教学过程 : Step 1 Warming-up Greetings Step 2 Presentation 1 lead in 出示一张春节图片 T:When can you see this picture? S: 春节 精品文档 学习资料 T:Good.At spring festival. 教授单词 spring festival T:It ’s a Chinese festival. 揭示课题 Chinese festivals 【设计意图 】以节日图片的形式让学生知道这节课所学的内容,达到揭示课题的 作用。 T: Do you know any other Chinese festivals? 出示端午节,中秋节,重阳节的图片,教授这三种节日,教师采取点读,开 火车等方式让学生读 mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, double ninth festival 2 .Play a game Magic eyes 设计意图 【 】以游戏的方式活跃课堂气氛 , 同时也在游戏中达到巩固这四种节日 的作用。 3.Listen and answer (1) Show the questions. a When’s Spring Festival/ Mid -Autumn Festival/Dragon Boat Festival/Double Ninth Festival? b What do people do at this festival? c What do people eat at this festival? (2) Check the answers 4. Watch and judge. (1) Mid-Autumn Festival is in May. (2) People visit their parents and grandparents at the Double Ninth Festival. 精品文档 学习资料 (3) At the spring festival people get together with their family. Some people eat dumplings. (4) There are not any dragon boat races at the Double ninth festival. 5 Read and fill. Festival When Usually do Usually eat 设计意图 【 】


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