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农民生活费用支出情况调查报告 ——以河北省邯郸市临漳县为例 调查人:李莹、王波、季云龙、米立超、魏亚惠、张丽娟、李宁、孙 晓梦、巩金霞、王玉杰 调查时间:2012 年 7 月 9 日—19 日 调查地点:邯郸市临漳县砖寨营乡 调查对象:邯郸市临漳县砖寨营乡砖寨营村、张柳村、老张村、东风 柳村的村民 调查方式:问卷调查法、访谈法、观察法 调查问卷统计结果: 本次调查共发放 120 份问卷,实际填写 112 份,106 份为有效问卷。 摘 要 农业、农村和农民问题是关系到改革开放和现代化建设全局的重 大问题,国家近年来也多次出台“三农”政策。而农民在生活费用方 面的支出主要表现在以下几个方面:基本生活消费、水电农资投入、 医疗赡养消费、大事消费(买房盖房、婚丧嫁娶)、运输工具及农机 具、教育投入、其他消费(保险、休闲、旅游等)。从农民生活费用 支出情况,我们发现农民现在的生活水平明显提高了,家家基本上都 改用电做饭了,节能意识也提高了。但是从调查中我们发现农民生活 中还存在着一些现实问题:农业生产投入耗资大、医疗费用高昂、忧 患意识薄弱、休闲娱乐消费能力不足等,这些问题需要国家和农民共 同来解决。 关键词:农民 生活费用支出 问题及对策 Abstract Agriculture, rural areas and farmers problem is related to the reform and opening up policy and modernization global major issues, the country many times in recent years also issued the "SAN nong" policy. And farmers in the cost of living expenses mainly displays in the following aspects: basic life consumption, water and electricity agriculture investment, medical support consumption, big consumption (buy houses, weddings), transportation tools and machinery, education investment, other consumption (insurance, leisure, tourism, etc.). From the farmers' living expense circumstance, we found that the living standard of farmers are obviously improved, every basically to switch to electric cooking, energy saving consciousness is also improved. But from the survey we found that farmers life also exists some real problem: agricultural production and investment cost, high medical costs, suffering consciousness weak, leisure entertainment spending power shortage, etc., these problems needs to countries and farmers work together to solve.


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