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2015 年最新外研版英语七至九年级单词练习(完美) 一、根据句意及首字母提示,写出句中所缺的单词。 七年级 1.Why don ’t you learn to sing English ___________ ( 歌曲 ) ? 2. Mary couldn ’t help___________ ( 哭) when she heard the sad news. 3.When summer comes , day becomes longer and __________ ( 夜晚 ) becomes shorter. 4. Did you ____________ ( 注意到 ) Jack come in three minutes ago? 5. We prepared the __________ ( 每周的 ) programs, articles and weather report. 6. Amy ’s handbags is the s________ as my sister’s. 7. As we know, S___________ is the first day of a week. 8. Go along this road and turn l__________ at the second crossing. 9. Beijing, the capital of China, is one of the oldest c________ in China. 10. T__________ of people died in the big earthquake in Japan of 2011. 11. We all know that China is the biggest country in __________ ( 亚洲 ). 12.Camels can ’t be seen often because they live in the _______ ( 沙漠 ). 13. The museum is open every day except _________ ( 周一 ). 14. Forty and fifty is n________. 15. Mr. Liu was ill and he had to go to the h__________ to see a doctor. 16. Jack said that he _________ ( 需要 ) to buy a birthday present for his mum. 17. This Sunday, I will go ______________ ( 购物 ) to buy some clothes. 18. The man feels happy because he lives a ______________( 舒适的 ) life. 19. Jane, what about going to the b________ to play with sand tomorrow? 20. My father didn ’t come back home u_______ twelve o ’clock last night. 21. His brother was born in _________________ ( 二月 ), 2006. 22. Mrs. Liu is making dinner for her family in the _____________ (厨房)now. 23. Mum, I ’m very ___________ ( 饿). Is there anything to eat? 24. The old man has three s_______ and two daughters. 25. Our teacher told us that the E_______ goes around the sun. 26. My family will m_________ to Guilin because my father has bought a new house there. 27. Many people like Wang Fei ’s songs because she has a sweet v_________. 28. My mother was so tired that sh


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