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雅思议论文段落论证 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信yasi1jia2 雅思议论文段落论证 雅思议论文段落论证 屠鸭联盟:徐卫(老徐雅思) “老徐雅思”分项式训练体系:(技巧班内容) 词汇储备(学词汇搭配collocation,而非单个的词words ) ↓ ↓ 造句练习(常用句型套路,一切为了实战,少犯语法错误) ↓ ↓ 段落论证训练(句子之间环环相扣,形成完整论证单元) ↓ ↓ 加上开头结尾,形成篇章(可适当使用与本人水平相当的模板) 议论文评分要求  任务回应情况 (内容) Task Response (TR)  衔接与连贯 (结构) Coherence and Cohesion (CC)  词汇资源 (词汇) Lexical Resource (LR)  语法多样性和准确性 (语法) Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) 如何形成一个论证单元? 学生是否应该参加社区义务劳动(剑9-2) 做义务劳动能够增强孩子的责任心。 中心句: Doing voluntary work can enhance children’s sense of responsibility. 因果论证:When they serve as volunteers, they would learn what role they can play in the community and consider other people’s needs. 因果论证:These children are more likely to become useful adults when they grow up. 举例论证: For example, in some communities, teenagers are required to look after old people or read to children, and these young people rarely show behavior problems. 对比论证: If young people never participate in voluntary work, they may become self-centered and inconsiderate, as many children are spoilt by their parents nowadays. 1 雅思议论文段落论证 新浪微博@老徐雅思 公众微信yasi1jia2 私营医院的好处和弊端 Some people think that good health is the basic need of every person and it is not right for the medical care services to be run by profit-making companies. Do the disadvantages of private health care outweigh its advantages? (2006-11-4 ) 私营医院能提供更好的医疗服务 中心句: Private hospitals can provide better medical services than public hospitals. 因果论证1: The competition between private hospitals would motivate them to improve their serv


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