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学习好资料 欢迎下载 专业英语(环境工程)教案 Unit 1 The Population Explosion 要求:1、了解人口爆炸是当今世界面临的一个重要问题,以及导致人口爆炸的原因。 2、了解人口爆炸所带来的问题以及应对方法。 I. Some words and expressions 1. population explosion 人口爆炸 2. birth rates and death rate 出生率合死亡率 3. food, clothing and shelter 衣食住行 4.family planning 计划生育 5.More than two-thirds of the people in the world live in the countries that have programs for family planning. 世界三分之二以上人口的国家都实行计划生育政策。 II. Questions 1.Point out the reasons that cause population explosion. a. The number of births is greater than before. b. People can live longer. 2. Today our population is six billion. How many years will it take to reach eight billion if the worl population increase at a rate of eighty million? A. 2.5 year B. 25y C. 250y The answer is B. Why? 3. How many measures can be taken to solve the problems that are cause by large population gathering in big cities? a. Lower birth rate_______family plan b. Improve food supply c. Limit the size of cities and encourage people to live in small towns an in the countryside. 学习好资料 欢迎下载 Unit 2 Effects of Noise 教学要求:1、了解噪声的特点及来源。 2、了解噪声的危害和控制技术。 教学内容: 1、pure tone 纯音(频率单一) 2、sound-pressure level 声压级,声压的分贝标度叫做声压级(L ) P L =20lg(P/P ),P-待测声压 P -基准声压,人耳能察觉的最低声压 P 0 0 3、octave bands 1 倍频程 log (f/f )=1。f 、f -噪声监测终所用滤波器(等 2 2 1 2 1 比带宽滤波器)的上下截止频率。1 倍频程简称倍频程,在音乐上称为一个八度。 4、What is sound? That which we hear is called sound. 5、The characteristics of sound are: speed, pitch(determined by frequency), energy,


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