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三人小短剧 主角:两女一男,男的饰演宁采臣穿越而来,两女是好朋友其中一人是小倩转世而来。 永: morning ,candy. 虫: morning,Cassie 。 永: whats wrong with you .you looks so pale. 虫: i were watching tv all the night. 永: what did you watch ? 虫: Have you heard of the prevalent Time-travel TV series Bu Bu Jing Xin ? 永: oh I love it so much. the actress are beautiful, their dressing is great. 虫: me too.if you have a chance ,which dynasty do you want to transported to ? 永: of course .song dynasty.Id like to protect our country .and let citizen have a easy living. 虫: what a great ideal! 永: but it is so ridiculous.we wont have chance to transported. 虫: i don ‘t agree with you .everything is possible. 男的破门而入 男 : what happened ?where i am ?where my sweetheart xiaoqian? xiaoqian? xiaoqian? Where are you ? 绕教室跑下去 , 问班上的众人 who are you ? Where i am ? all of you look so strange! What happened? Tell me ,who can tell me ? 永: look at that guy ! he looks so amusing! 虫: What happened to he? 永 : you see .his hair is so long .style is strang,the dressing likes acient people. 虫: wow ,is he transported 永: no ,its impossible. 虫: look! he is getting close to us. 男: young ladies.im so glad to meet you here. You are familiar to me! oh god ! xiaoqian why are you here ? im looking for you all the time . 原本慢慢走近,最后疾步坐过去抓住女的的肩膀。 虫: do you know me ? I have no memory about you . 男: what? you forgot me ? Xiaoqian ,i am ningcaichen. 永永把我拉过去,和男的开始谈话 永: are you kiddi



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