2021春外研版九年级英语下册 Module 4 习题 Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean.pptx

2021春外研版九年级英语下册 Module 4 习题 Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean.pptx

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外研版九年级下 Module 4 Rules and suggestionsUnit 2 We must keep the camp clean. 词汇串新知课文对对碰提示:点击 进入习题答案呈现二一1asleep6sudden11BB2heard7sticks2C3open8turned3B4hang9still4D5clean轻松夯基础答案呈现16D11gunsfell asleep2woods12reaches out7B3813CsoftWatch out49tentCmake a noise1410C5blood15go for a walk快乐做阅读答案呈现16A2126DC222717BBC232818ABD2429CA19B2530BD20A快乐做阅读答案呈现31More than four million people.32Smoking harms the body greatly.33uneasy to give up smoking.越早戒烟,那么你得癌症或者其他疾病的几率就会越少。3435Stop smoking before smoking stops you!根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。On the first evening, we were tired and soon fell _______1(睡着的). In the middle of the night, I ________2 (听到) a noise outside. The next morning, I found the bag of food was ________3 (打开的). Joe thought we should ________4 (悬挂) the food in a tree that night. During the second night, the bears came again.asleepheardopenhangI told them we must keep the camp ________ 5(干净的). Ben told us that if we saw a bear, we should not make any ________ 6 (突然的) moves. The next day, I saw a baby bear playing with some ________ 7 (木棍) and stones. His mother arrived soon, and I was so afraid that I ________ 8 (变得) pale. I just kept ________ 9 (静止的). The bears walked away.cleansuddensticksturnedstill一、速读Activity 2, 选出正确的主旨大意。_______BA. How to protect the bears.B. An exciting experience about the camping trip.C. How to look after ourselves.D. A boring experience about the camping trip.二、阅读Activity 2,选择正确答案。( ) 1. Where did we camp?A. By the river. B. By the stream.C. By the lake. D. By the sea.B( ) 2. What was the baby bear doing when I saw him?A. Sleeping.B. Eating some food.C. Playing with some sticks and stones.D. Crying.( ) 3. How many days did they camp?A. 4 days. B. 14 days.C. 3 days. D. We don’t know.CB( ) 4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The writer went for a walk in the forest with his friends.B. There were 4 people in this story.C. The mother bear hit the writer.D. The writer was scared(害怕的


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