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TED英语演讲稿:如何让选择更容易 简介:面对商场里五花八门的商品,你的选择恐惧症又 犯了吗 ? 美国哥伦比亚大学商学教授 sheena iyengar 研究 如何让你在做选择时更容易。为了让你的选择省时省力,商 家又会有哪些诀窍呢 ? do you know how many choices you make in a typical day? do you know how many choices you make in typical week? i recently did a survey with over 2,000 americans, and the average number of choices that the typical american reports making is about 70 in a typical day. there was also recently a study done with ceos in which they followed ceos around for a whole week. and these scientists simply documented all the various tasks that these ceos engaged in and how much time they spent engaging in making decisions related to these tasks. and they found that the average ceo engaged in about 139 tasks in a week. each task was made up of many, many, many sub-choices of course. 50 percent of their decisions were made in nine minutes or less. only about 12 percent of the decisions did they make an hour or more of their time. think about your own choices. do you know how many choices make it into your nine minute category versus your one hour category? how well do you think youre doing at managing those choices? today i want to talk about one of the biggest modern day choosing problems that we have, which is the choice overload problem. i want to talk about the problem and some potential solutions. now as i talk about this problem, im going to have some questions for you and im going to want to know your answers. so when i ask you a question, since im blind, only raise your hand if you want to burn off some calories. (laughter) otherwise, when i ask you a question, and if your answer is yes, id like you to clap your hands. so for my first question for you today: are you guys ready to hear about the choice overload problem? (applause) thank you. so when i was a graduate student at stanford university, i used to go to this very, very upscale grocery store; at least at that time it was truly upscale. it was a store called draegers. now this store, it w



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