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人教版七年级下 人教版七年级下Unit8-9测试卷 PAGE PAGE # / 6 愉越教育个性化辅导授课案 次课教师:芦芬英学生: 时间: 次课 ?。O 0 ■€■?? O e p■曲 O 0 ■赵? 0 0 ^-0 - O O * ■如 0 0 4 ?◎■瞬 o 巧■令"◎? O 0 授课课题:Unit8-Unit9单元复习 重点短语 2.police station : 2.police station : 4.be across from: 6.go along (this street): 8.在第一个十字路口:— 10.be far from: 12.在和之间: 14.在右边: 16.花时间: 18: (be) of medium height: 20.一点;少量: 22.a picture of: 24.i n the end: 26.( in) the same way: 28.(be) on time: 30.对某人要求严格: 3.付费电话: be far from: 7.be n ext to: 居住: i n the front of: 13.向右拐: 15.喜欢做某事: 仃看起来像: 19.(be) of medium build: 21.a round face: 23.和某人谈话: 25.first of all: 27.o ne...the other...: 29.铺床: 根据句意及首字母提示写单词 There are three big supermarkets in our t People can get money from the b The hotel is a from the post office. They ofte n go to the r n ext to the park to have meals. There is a park b the hospital. Harbin is in the n of Chi na and ifs very cold in wi nter. 7.It sbad for you to s much time on computer games. 8.Is there a post office a here? You can call the p at 110. Go along the r and the n tur n right. 11」don 'th ink the a in the city is clea n. The food here is f . You can take it without mon ey. Tom is a smart boy, and he can an swer the questi ons e My brother is a waiter. He works in a r_ right whe n you see a post office.Just go a Cen ter Street and t right whe n you see a post office. 16」s there a pay phone in the n He works in a h 医 院). The childre n in the village don 'have much pocket m . Because their pare nts are not rich. Tur n left at the third c and the bank is on your left. My sister is a sin ger. She (喜欢) si ngi ng. My Chin ese teacher is very h . He is tall and stro ng. Her hair is not straight, but a little c . He eats too much. So he is h . A new movie is on in the c this eve ning. Do you want to go with me? Do you know that p ? He is talk ing with our En glish teacher. L in Xia wants to be an a like Jay Chou. Do n'put much food in your m at a time. The earth is r , just like a ball. Mrs Bro



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