相信 - 一个美国小学生的开学演讲稿(同名46917).docVIP

相信 - 一个美国小学生的开学演讲稿(同名46917).doc

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相信 - 一个美国小学生的开学演讲 【2008年8月25日,美国得克萨斯北部的家长、学生、教师和行政人员迎来了新的学年,举行返校典礼。教育局长迈克尔-伊诺霍萨(Michael Hinojosa)讲话】 Here what really make a difference for this time was to do our further keynotes for this back-to-school convocation. Dalton Sherman from the Charles Rice Learning Center.?好了,这次和以往不同的是返校典礼的主旨演讲。有请道尔顿-谢尔曼,来自于查尔斯-赖斯学习中心。 【十岁5年纪学生道尔顿-谢尔曼(Dalton Sherman)演讲】 I believe in me. Do you believe in me? 我相信自己。你相信我吗? Do you believe I can stand up here, fearless, and talk to all 20,000 of you? 你是否相信,我会站在这里,不害怕,向在座2万人说话? Hey, Charles Rice Learning Center – do you believe in me? ?嗨,查尔斯-赖斯学习中心,你们相信我吗? Thats right – they do.  是的,他们相信。 Because heres the deal: I can do anything, be anything, create anything, dream anything, become anything – because you believe in me. And it rubs off on me. ?相信我是因为:我能够做到一切、担当一切、创造一切、梦想一切、实现一切。因为你们相信我,所以造就了我。 Let me ask you a question, Dallas ISD. 让我问你们一个问题,达拉斯独立校区(的师长们)。 Do you believe in my classmates? 你们相信我的同学吗? Do you believe that every single one of us can graduate ready for college or the workplace? ?你们相信我们中的每一个都能毕业,为大学或工作做好准备吗? You better. Because next week, were all showing up in your schools – all 157,000 of us – and what we need from you is to believe that we can reach our highest  potential. ?各位,下一周,我们大家就会现身自己的学校 -- 我们全体15万7千人 -- 我们要各位答应:相信我们能够发挥自己的最大潜力。 No matter where we come from, whether its sunny South Dallas, whether its Pleasant Grove, whether its Oak Cliff? or North Dallas or West Dallas or wherever, you better not give up on us. No, you better not. 不论我们来自于哪里,是晴朗的南达拉斯,是舒适的树林(地名),是橡树崖(地名),是北达拉斯、西达拉斯或者任何地方,各位都不会放弃我们。不会,各位不会。 Because, as you know, in some cases, youre all weve got. Youre the ones who feed us, who wipe our tears, who hold our hands or hug us when we need it. Youre the ones who love us when sometimes it feels like no else does – and when we need it the most.  因为,各位知道,说起来,你们就是我们所拥有的一切。你们是养育我们的人,是擦干我们眼泪的人,是牵我们手的人,是我们想要时拥抱我们的人。在偶尔无所适从的时刻,你们是心疼我们的人,那是我们最需要爱的时刻。 Dont give up on my classmates. ?不要放弃我的同学们。 Do you believe in


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