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华北水利水电学院毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 摘要 随着红外物理与技术的不断发展, 红外探测技术已广泛地应用于军 事、煤矿的安全生产等各个领域。把目标或目标区域的红外辐射聚焦在 探测器上红外接收光学系统的基本作用, 通常情况下其结构类似于普通 的接收光学系统, 但由于工作波段为红外波段, 其光学材料和镀膜必须 和它的工作波长相匹配。 针对题目的要求,我们设计了一款简易的红外避障小车。电路设计 主要有以下四个模块:传感器模块(红外发射和接收器),控制模块 (AT89S52),执行模块(伺服电机),电源模块。传感器模块主要通过对 左、右红外传感器的信号分别进行采集,传送给控制模块。控制模块对 采集来的信号进行处理,做出比较后把控制信号传送给执行模块。 配合正确的软件设计,小车能够在设计的赛道中准确快速地完成行 走任务。 关键词: 红外; 避障; 传感器 华 北 水 利 水 电 学 院 毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 ) Abstract Abstract All bodies has its own infrared radiation characteristics. For studying the various objects of infrared radiation, people use ideal─absolute blackbody radiation body (hereinafter referred to as in bold) the benchmark. Can absorb all the incident radiation and not the reflection of the object is called in bold. Good absorber must have also been good radiation body, so the blackbody radiation efficiency is highest, the radiation rate than a 1. Any real objects of radiation emission quantity and the same temperature blackbody emission of quantity of launch than, called the object than radiation rate, its value is always less than 1. The object than radiation rate, and the material object types, characteristics, temperature, surface other factors, such as the wavelength. According to the topic request, we design a simple infrared obstacle avoidance of the car. The circuit design basically has the following four modules: sensor module (infrared transmitter and receiver), control module (AT89S52 devices), executive module (servo motor), power supply module. Sensor module mainly through to the


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