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O F F I C E R E S I D E N T I A L | A P R I L | 2 0 0 8 Ofi ce Residential Market Overview The robust performance of the office market in the Greater China region continued into early 2008. Overall vacancy rates edged down further in 1Q 2008 despite the traditionally slack leasing demand during the Spring Festival, with the exception of Taiwan where vacancy rate held largely flat. Office rental climbed further in US dollar terms, partly contributed by further RMB appreciation for those cities in Mainland China. On the sale front, Beijing saw a more active sale market with a few en-bloc deals, but investment market in Taiwan was clouded with the uncertainty associated with the outcome of the presidential election. On the luxury residential property market, supported by the solid demand from expatriates, the leasing market held firm with rental rising further in 1Q 2008. The sale market in Hong Kong surged further, fuelled by abundant liquidity and expectation of further interest rate cut. This contrasted to the quieter market in Mainland China cities amidst the uncertainties over possible further tightening by the government. 大中華地區甲級辦公樓市場暢旺的表現延續至2 0 0 8年初,未受季節性因素影 響,需求持續,整體空置率逐步下調,僅是台北辦公樓的空置情況變化不大。 人民幣升值,令大部份中國城市以美元計算的甲級辦公樓租金向上揚升。買賣 市場方面,以北京較為活躍,錄得多宗全幢項目成交,台北在總統選舉之前, 市場普遍呈觀望態度,因此投資買賣成交較為淡靜。 在外商需求帶動下,大中華區豪宅租務市場在第一季整體靠穩,租金進一步上 升,香港市場由於資金充裕及利率進一步下調所刺激,市況向好;中國主要城 市的豪宅市場卻受到政府推出多項措施所影響,成交略為冷淡。 Greater China Report | Hong Kong | Ofi ce Despite the prevailing problem of the subprime districts such as Quarry Bay in Island East, or Tsim mortgages in the US, the bulk of the banking and Sha Tsui across the harbour. i nance institutions in Hong Kong were virtually More investors jumped onto the bandwagon decoup


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