Marriage Across Nations 跨国婚姻价值观.docVIP

Marriage Across Nations 跨国婚姻价值观.doc

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As cultural change depends, the number of marriage across nations is increasing .however ,such marriage tends to bring about problems and even meet with opposition from family numbers ,mainly due to cultural difference .due to the fact that the couple has a different family background ,culture ,and custom ,and social class level ,many disagreements can occur . 随着文化变化的发展,跨国婚姻的数量越来越多。让而,这样的婚姻会带来很多问题以及会遇到跟家庭的很多相反面,主要是由于文化之间的不同,还有夫妻之间拥有不同家庭背景,文化和风俗以及社会阶级,那么很多的分歧就会出现 One of the problems is that these girls take with them cultural values about sharing and responsibility that are different from the individualistic values in the West. Asian cultures are based on collectivism, Asian people tend to be interdependent and supportive. In contrast, Western culture is rooted in individualism. Private belongings are one’s own. When an Asian girl marries a Westerner, she reasons in the same manner as before. She will have no understanding of pre-nuptial agreements. These girls are often rudely disillusioned by such discoveries. 其中的一个问题就是这些姑娘们带着有福共享有难同挡的文化价值观,这与西方的个人主义价值观迥然不同. 亚州文化往往以集体主义精神为基础。亚洲人更倾向于互利互助. 反之,西方文化往往以个人主义为根基,私有财产属己性更强。当亚洲姑娘嫁给一位西方人后, 她仍然象从前那样思考问题. 这些姑娘常常会因为这样的发现而使自己的幻想破灭。 Religion can be a problem. If the two has a different religion then the other one, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike. They often have a hard time fitting in. marriage across nations is not a good idea, but it is still all right to marry someone who is different than you 宗教会是一个问题,如果两个人有不一样的宗教背景,那将是一个很大的问题。因为一些宗教会庆祝一些特定的节日而其他的不会做庆祝。饮食习惯也是一个问题,他们需要一段艰难的时间去适应,跨国婚姻并不是一个好主意,但和一个跟你很不一样的人结婚也是无可厚非的 It is not necessary to describe the challenges that Asian girls have to face. In this area of globalisation, people see nothing wrong with cross border marriages. Needless to say, they can be successful, a fact that has been proven SAN Mao’s love story. Nevertheless i


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