人教版高中英语 必修二 Unit3 Computers Reading 课件 共28张.ppt

人教版高中英语 必修二 Unit3 Computers Reading 课件 共28张.ppt

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Words Expressions Check 1. 计算 2. 通用的;宇宙的 3. 简化 4. 总数;金额;算术题 5. 操作员,接线员 6. 合逻辑的;合情理的 7. 工艺;科技;技术 8. 科技的 9. 革命 10. 人造的;假的 calculate universal simplify sum operator logical technology technological revolution artificial 11. 智力;智能 12. 事实;现实 13. 私人的;个人的 14. 管;电子管 15. 网络;网状物 16. 应用;申请 17. 金融;财经 18. 可移动的;机动的 19. 火箭 20. 探索;探测 intelligence reality personal tube network application finance mobile rocket explore With the development of science and technology , many new things appear in human being s life. Let s guess what they are: 1. With me you can watch different programmes just at home. I m a machine that has a screen with moving pictures and sounds. But watching me too much is bad for your eyes. TV set 2. I am a machine which moves very fast on four wheels. You need a license ( 执照 ) and must be very careful when you drive me. Rolls Royce and Benz are some famous kinds of me. car 3. I am a machine which is a good helper in doing house work.I wash clothes for people. washing machine 4. I am a machine, which you can use to type your homework, draw pictures, play games, watch movies, listen to music, communicate with your friends, gather information… Computer 5. I am a kind of computer which can b e t a k e n c o n v e n i e n t l y l i k e a notebook. laptop What do you usually do with computers? Pre-reading (Our daily life, study, work, education) school work games emails music and films chat information photos shopping Reading: Who am I? Task1 Scanning: listen to the text and answer the questions. Who am I? How many times are mentioned in the text? And what happened in these years? a computer. Task 1 listening The computer began as a calculating machine . 1842 Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work and built a “ universal machine ”. I had grown as large as a room 1960s Computers were used in offices and homes . Become a friend and helper of the human race What is the order of the text? Time Read the t


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