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浅论被吊销营业执照后公司债权人的司法救济 摘要: 我国的商事登记与公司吊销制度经历了从计划经济到市场经济的历程。由于 我国的商事活动深受计划经济体制的影响, 商主体更加多元化和公司行为复杂化, 商 主体的设立、变更及终止可关系一个国家市场的安全和效率; 要使商事登记制度更 加趋于完善, 就应该重视在立法、 效力和救济上商事登记制度中的公司被吊销营业执 照后公司债权人利益的保护问题日益凸显的解决。 近年来理论界和实务界在探讨现 行登记制度和营业执照效力之间关系的基础上, 对被吊销营业执照后的公司债权人利 益司法救济进行的实务探讨显得很重要, 并且为推进 《商事登记法》及相关立法的完 善把握一个良好契机,以便于此时公司债权人的合法权益得到伸张。 关键词 :商事登记 营业执照 公司解散 公司债权人 审查模式 立法完善 司法救济 《 The company after being revoked the business license of company creditor judicial relief 》 Abract: The Chinese Commercial Registration and revocation system has gone through the historical process from a planned economy to a market economy. Due to the impact of the planned economic system, coupled with the current commercial subjects are more diversified and corporate behavior is more complex, this contradiction requires our national Commercial Registration to become more perfect, in this , the protection to the interests of creditors has become increasingly prominent after the company revoked the business license among the Commercial Registration.. In the recent years ,the Theoretical and practical circles to explore the relationship between the current registration system and the business license on the basis of the discussion on the protection of interests of the creditors after the company business license revoked is particularly important, and for promoting 《The Commercial Registration Act 》 and is a good opportunity to the improvement of relevant legislation ,in order to facilitate the legitimate rights that belong to the company ’s creditors. : the commercial registration the business license Keywords the company


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