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Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Structure (工程建筑【Engineering Structure或者工程结构】的变形观测) Overview (概述【Overview 纵览、总的看法】) Deformati on refers to the cha ngesof a deformable body (n atural or man-made objects) un dergoes in its shapes, dime nsion and positi on in space and time domap变形指一个形 变体【deformable body](自然或人工物体)在空间和时间范围【domain领域、范围】 在形状、尺度和位置上经受【undergo 经受、收到】 的变化) 【变形指一个形变体在 空间和时间上经受的形状、尺度和位置的变化】 Due to factors such as changes of ground water level, tidal phenomena, tectonic phe nomena, etc, engin eeri ng structures (such as dams, bridges, high rise build in gs, etc.) are subject to deformation.(由于【Due to】 诸如地下水位变化、潮汐现象、地壳构造 【tectonic 构造的、地壳构造的】 现象等等的因素【 factor], 工程建筑物(如大坝、 桥梁、高层建筑等等)受到变形【deformation】 影响【subject受 影响】) Deformation of engineering structures is often measured in order to ensure that the structure is exhibit ing a safe deformation behavior,工程建筑物的变形经常观测以保证 建筑呈现【exhibit展现】安全变形行为)【工程建筑物的变形经常观测以保证建筑物 的变形在安全范围内】 Cost is more tha n offset by sav in gs a nd by improveme nts in safety both duri ng and after constructions.( As a result, the desig n, executio n and an alysis of such surveys are a matter of con siderable practical importance.(作为结果,这种测量的设计、实施和分析是一件有着相当大 【considerable相当大的】 的实际【practical实际的】 重要性【importanee重要性】 的 事情) Expa nded resource developme nt, the trend towards pote ntially-deformatio n-se nsitivity engin eeri ng and con structi on projects, and grow ing geoscie ncetific in terest in the study of crustal moveme nt have all comb ined to in crease aware ness of the n eed for a comprehe nsive in tegrated approach to the desig n and an alysis of such deformati on surveys. (随着资源扩张的发展,趋势朝向潜在变形敏感度工程和建筑项目,成长的地球科 学感兴趣的地壳运动研究已经全部结合来增加全面整合方法的需求的知识变形测量 的设计和分析) Therefore it is importa nt to measure this moveme nts for the purpose of safety assessme nt and as well as preventing any disaster in the future.(因此,为了安全评估【safety assessmen安全评估,assessmen评估】 和未来灾害【disaste】 预防【prevent】,变形 的测量非常重要) Deformation Monitoring of natural and man-made structures is


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