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Unit 5 课下能力提升 (十九 ) Ⅰ .根据提示写出单词的正确形式 1. We set sail at ________ and arrived in Shanghai at sunset. 2. Could you tell me what the ________ is from Changchun to Nanning? 3. Just now we stopped at a supermarket ________ (附近的 ) to buy some food for tomorrow's picnic. 4.The young man with ________ ( 宽阔的 ) shoulders was curious about the new type of cell phone. 5. The latest evidence ________ ( 证实 ) me in his honesty. 6. The little girl was ________ (terrify) by the loud thunder. 7. She was ________ (pleasure) that her son won the first prize in the exam. 8. The hospital is ________ (approximate) five miles from the station. 9. Frank made a good ________ (impress), so the manager gave him the job. 10. It became fashionable for ________ (wealth) families to send their teenage children to foreign countries. Ⅱ .选词填空 impress ... with, be terrified at, at dawn, in the distance, be wealthy in, be mixed up with 1. I can see a car coming towards us ____________. 2. She's always trying to ________ people ________ her writings. 3. The old lady ____________ the dog lying behind the door. 4. We arrived at the station ____________ . 5. Our county ____________ peanuts. 6. In fact she ____________ the matter. Ⅲ .完成句子 1. (安徽高考书面表达 )If I ride a bike, I'll always keep to the right and never cross a road ________________ . 如果我骑自行车,我总是靠右边走,直到交通灯变绿才过马路。 2.(2014 ·四川满分作文 )________________ , only by studying hard at ordinary time can you succeed eventually. 就我而言,你只有在平常努力学习才能最终成功。 3. I always____________ with his brother. They look so much alike. 我总是把他和他的弟弟弄混,他们长得太相像了。 4. The announcement ____________ the election would take place on June 20th. 公告证实选举将在 6 月 20 日举行。 5. ____________ for the Chinese to set off fireworks during the Spring Festival. 春节放鞭炮是中国人的传统。 6. The boy who is standing ____________ has a gift for writing. 站在远处的那个男孩很有写作天赋。 Ⅳ .完形填空 Our family raises sled dogs ( 雪橇狗 ). In the __1__ Mom and Dad take people driving in a dog sled, and it's super fun! When the dogs were born, I


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