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I’ll miss you! 湘少版·六年级下册 点击图片 播放视频 我会想念你的! Li Wei and Zhou Jie are good friends. They study in the same school. The primary school exam is over. They will leave their school next week. They will go to a junior high school next year. 李伟和周杰是好朋友。他们在同一所学校学习。小学考试结束了。他们下个星期将要离开他们的学校。明年他们将要去上初中了。 Where will they go? They would like to be together. Zhou Jie’s father is a doctor. A big hospital in Beijing wants him to go and work there. Zhou Jie and his mother will go with him and live in Beijing, too. 他们将去哪儿?他们想要在一起。 周杰爸爸是一个医生。北京的一家大医院想要他去那儿工作。周杰的妈妈将要和他一起去,并且还要住在北京。 Li Wei feels sad. He will miss his best friend. So the two friends give each other a card. Inside the cards, they write,“Goodbye. I’ll miss you! Please email me, OK?” 李伟觉得很难过。他将会想念他最好的朋友。所以这两个朋友送给彼此一张卡片。卡片里,他们写道:“再见了。我会想念你的!请给我发电子邮件,好吗?” Li Wei and Zhou Jie are good friends. Guess, Check and Learn primary school leave junior high school miss 想念 小学 离开 初中 Activities Do you have an email address? Do you know how to send emails on the Internet? Yes, I do. ___________________________ No, I don’t. _________________________ But I want to try. I often email my friends. 2. Tick for “Yes”. √ Are you going to leave your primary school soon? Will you go to a junior high school next year? Do you have a best friend in your primary school? Are you going to make new friends in the junior high school? Do you email your friends on the Internet? 3. Who is your best friend? What do you want to say to him/her? Write it on the card. Dear ________, ______________________________________________________________________ Yours, ___________



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