冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 3:Lesson 13 How Is School Going? 教案.docxVIP

冀教版英语七年级下册Unit 3:Lesson 13 How Is School Going? 教案.docx

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PAGE / NUMPAGES 课 题 Unit 3 School Life Lesson 13: How Is School Going? 课 时 教 学 目 标 1. Knowledge objects (1) To study the new words :life , term , start, finish, twice, win, social, myself. (2) To learn and master the phrases and sentence patterns: sports meet , twice a week/year, long/high jump, be good at, social studies, by oneself, How is …going? 2. Ability objects (1) To train the students’ ability of working in pairs. (2) To develop the students’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures. 教 学 重、难点 1. Adverbs: always, usually 2. How is …going? 重、难点 突破策略 1.通过每节课讲解一道题,课后练习一道题,逐步帮助学生理解学会应用频度副词。 2.对重要知识点做一些相应的习题精练,掌握语言点的应用。 教 学 过 程 设 计 Ⅰ. New Words.   Learn the new words together. Ⅱ. Listening.   Listen to the text of Lesson 13 and finish Part 1 on Page 35. Ⅲ. Reading   1. Extensive reading (泛读) Read the text and finish Part 2 on Page 35      ⑴ She is a little busy.    ⑵ She has six classes every day.    ⑶ Her favourite subject is P.E.    ⑷ Her favourite subject is shop. ⑸ She made a bird house in shop class last week.   2. Intensive reading (精读)    Read the text and finish Part 3 on Page 35    am good at finish take part in subjects life Ⅳ. Key points(见精讲部分) Ⅴ. Grammar (Adverbs: always, usually) 个案补充栏 精 讲 Ⅰ. Words and phrases: life n. 做可数名词时,复数为lives [laivz] live v. 活,生存 第三人称单数lives [livz] in one’s life 在某人一生中 eg. He is the most important one in my life. 2. twice adv. 两次,两倍 ⑴ 英语中一次为“once” 两次为“twice” 三次或三次以上用“基数词+times”表示 ⑵ twice a week/year 表示频率,意为“一周/一年两次”,提问频率用how often. eg. How often do you go to the supermarket. Twice a week. 3. win v. 赢得,获胜 (won/won)winner n. 获胜者 拓展:win 后面要加比赛、荣誉、战争等但不能加人 beat 后面加人,表示“赢了某人” eg. The girl won the race.(beat/win) 4. myself pron. 我自己 反身代词在句中一般用作宾语,同位语,表示“自己”的意思。 all by oneself 全靠自己 by oneself= alone 独立的;单独 5. finish v. 完成,结束 后接doing 形式, 表示做完某事。 6. be good at 意为“擅长……,……(方面)做得好



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