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湖南省岳阳市华容第三中学2019年高三英语上学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. — So many cases about football violence recently! ?? — Yes, it is difficult to let the football fans keep ________. A. as sharp as a spear????????????? B. as sly as a fox C. as tall as a tree???????????????? D. as cool as a cucumber 参考答案: D 2. After the robbery, the jewelry shop fixed an alarm system ______ further losses. ?????? A.for???????? ???????? B.from????????? ???? C.against??????? ???? D.toward 参考答案: C 略 3. The activities organized by our school really gave us a platform ________ we learned team spirit.(  ) A.that B.where C.which D.when 参考答案: B 我们学校组织的活动给我们搭建一个平台,从中我们学到了团队精神. 根据句子结构可知,________ we learned team spirit是一个定语从句,在该句子里主语宾语不缺,所以需用关系副词来引导,结合先行词为platform,表示一个抽象地点,所以用where. 考生需对句子结构分析,并能根据具体语境做出选择. 31. She _____ the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour. A. connected B. fitted C. equipped D. matched. 参考答案: D 5. The sights of Nanchang never fail to _______ foreign tourists, making them abandon themselves to the beauty of the city. A. inform???????????????????????????? B. impress ??????????????????????? C. convince? ???????????????????? D. addict 参考答案: B 6. –How can you finish the job without help? ? --????? . I’ll finish it in time. ?A. Take care? ???? ?????? B. Watch out?? ??? ?????? C. Not exactly? ??? ?????? D. Don’t worry 参考答案: D 略 7. A new city will be set up ________ was a wasteland after the earthquake. ?? A. in what??????? B. where????????? C. in which?????? D. there 参考答案: C 略 8. It is said that ________ to classic music may be helpful in improving teenagers’ taste. A. exposed?????????? B. exposing???????? C. being exposed? ????? D. having exposed 参考答案: C 9. They told me it would be cheap but ?????????it cost me nearly $ 500. A.in a word?????????????????? B.at last ??????????????? C.in fact???????????????? D.as a result 参考答案: C 10. --- Excuse me, sir. Would you please do me a favor? --- Of course. What is it? --- I __________ if you could tell me how to fill out this form. A. was wonderi


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