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Free talk How much do you know about Chinese traditional culture? Free talk Would Eddie like to go travelling? Listen and answer: Where are Eddie and Hobo? What does Eddie think of the trip? Will Eddie stick it out? Language points: Language points: Language points: Exercises Unit 1 Asia Welcome to the unit Chinese people use chopsticks to eat. chopsticks 筷子 dragon dance 舞龙 Dragon dance is a kind of Chinese traditional custom during Spring Festival. Chinese paper-cutting 中国剪纸 My American friend has learnt Chinese paper-cutting for about three years. Chinese opera 中国戏曲 Traditional Chinese opera can be made popular to the younger generation. Chinese knot 中国结 The Chinese knot is one of the decorative art forms in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. step 台阶,梯级 Its tiring to climb so many steps. New words tiring adj. 使人疲劳的,累人的 step n. 台阶,梯级 Chinese knot n. 中国结 Chinese paper-cutting n. 中国剪纸 Chinese opera n. 中国戏曲 dragon dance n. 舞龙 chopsticks n. 【复】筷子 The British exchange students have arrived in Beijing. Millie is showing them some pictures of Chinese things. Help her write the correct name under each picture. Chinese things _________________ dragon dance Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu Chinese things _________________ Chinese opera Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu Chinese things _________________ chopsticks Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopsticks dragon dance kung fu Chinese things _____________________ Chinese paper-cutting Chinese knot Chinese opera Chinese paper-cutting chopst


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