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The Cask of Amontillado ? Place: Italy ? Time: evening of a carnival ? Character: Montresor, Fortunato, Luchresi ? Theme: revenge Ignorant 愚昧 , arrogant 傲慢自大 , self-centered Fortunato Montresor crafty 狡猾 , cruel, sophisticated, hypocritical 虚伪 , revenge The story ? narrated by Montresor, ? carried a grudge against Fortunato ? Montresor leads a drunken Fortunato through a series of chambers beneath his palazzo 邸宅 with the promise of a taste of Amontillado (阿蒙提拉多) , a wine that Montresor has just purchased. ? Had meant invite F to taste ? Concerning F healthy, had better invite Luchesi instead of F(stimulating) ? At cellar's end, chains Fortunato to the wall, builds a new wall to seal him in, and leaves him to die. Way to cellar's end Scared bones &skeleton Sealed behind wall Died in cellar Montresor' crafty 蒙特雷索的奸诈 “Not only punish, but punish with impunity.'' 我不仅要给他吃吃苦头,还要干得绝了后患。 drunk stimulating drinking cold Totally unconciously Chained to wall died ? Essentially, a tale of revenge. does not matter that whether how Fortunato insulted Montresor ? Reveal the personalistic defect of the two characters, further explose the abnomal facet of human nature. Theme: Revenge ? Writing style symbolism ? the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities ? why? ? horrific atmosphere ? creat suspense ? what ? 1 ? 1 . Amontilado title cause lure ? 2.bell ? The man wore motley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells. 这家伙扮成一个小丑,身着杂色条纹的谨 慎衣,头戴一顶锥形小帽,上面还缀着 铃铛。


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