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万圣节英语作文九年级十篇 万圣节英语作文有哪些?在万圣节,孩子们穿上特殊的服装,戴上面具。许多孩子玩一种叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏。他们敲邻居家的门,高声喊道:“不招待便使坏”。一起来看看万圣节英语作文九年级十篇,欢迎查阅! 万圣节英语作文1 Days and days past, I’m not a child any longer. But I still remember thatHalloween, 31st October 2001. That was Saturday. I went to study English with anAmerican girl named Debby as usual. We had 5 students altogether. Before thatweek, Debby had already told us to learn something about Halloween ourselves. Onthat day, Debby spent an hour describing this American festival for us, such as“trick or cheat”, pumpkin and even, she took a pumpkin with her. First she tookout a finished pumpkin lantern. That was really beautiful and ugly, we liked itso much. Then she taught us how to make a pumpkin lantern by ourselves. We eachheld a small knife, learnt to cut and draw something on that pumpkin. Finally,we made it and put a short candle into it. That was truly happy. And the mostsurprising thing was that the lantern was a present for that day’s superstudent. Who will that be? My god! That was me! Do you know how excited I wasthen? I held it, jumping and shouting. That was the most unforgettable day tome. And I will not forget it, never! 万圣节英语作文2 When the harvest moon rises on October 31, little hobgoblins, spookyghosts, ghoulish witches and gremlins — their young faces hidden behindgrotesque masks — will go forth to frighten friends and neighbors and tothreaten them with “Trick or Treat “. Halloween (AII Hallows Eve) as the name implies, is a nighttime holiday,the one night in the year when the child’s world turns to pure fantasy. Childrentake all the lead parts while parents and other adults play the supportingroles. Encouraged by teachers and merchants and the remembrance of the good timethey had the earlier year, children (from 3 to 11 years old) start preparingtheir costumes and Halloween decorations weeks ahead. Although parents help thechildren very much prepare the costumes, on Halloween they must pretend to befrightened by t


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