幼儿园大班美术教案:《Easter Bunny复活节2》.docxVIP

幼儿园大班美术教案:《Easter Bunny复活节2》.docx

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幼儿园大班美术教案《Easter Bunny复活节2》   大班美术优质课教案《Easter Bunny复活节2》   活动(二)美工   一、活动目标   1.进一步认识西方节日-复活节的风俗习惯。   2.正确辨认单词及其发音,理解句子的意思。   3. 学习简单制造复活蛋。   4.通过制作蛋、藏蛋、找蛋游戏巩固有关复活节的代表事物,感受节日的快乐。   5.单词:hide.   句子:Color the eggs, lots of fun. Go on an egg hunt.   二、教学时数   1课时(小班15分钟)   三、活动准备   1.复活兔头饰、复活蛋、篮子、报纸、白纸、蜡笔、透明胶若干。   2.Easter Bunny的音乐磁带   3.配班老师戴上复活兔头饰,准备参与活动。   四、活动过程   1. Warm up   <1>. Greetings.   <2>. Chant: "Easter Bunny"   2. Make an Easter egg   T1: (Play as very sad.)   T: Easter Bunny, why are you so sad?   T1: Easter is coming. I have to make many Easter eggs. Maybe I can't finish.   T: Oh, Easter Bunny is busy making Easter eggs. Boys and girls, can you help   her?   C: Yes, we can.   T: Do you know how to make the Easter egg? (Have some children answer.) Easter   Bunny, can you tell us how to   make?   T1: Of course. At first, roll the newspaper into a ball. Is the egg beautiful?   T: No, because it has no clothes.   T1: Now, let me make clothes for it---color the egg. Draw some lines or pictures   you like on the white paper.   Third, envelop the newspaper ball with the picture. Look, is the Easter egg   beautiful now?   T&C: Yes, it's very beautiful. I want to try.   (Guide the children make Easter egg and say"Color the egg, lots of fun "at the   same time.)   3. Hide and find eggs   T1: (Play as a little sad.)   T: Easter Bunny, you have many Easter eggs now. Why are you still unhappy?   T1: Because I have to hurry to hide the eggs.   T: Oh, you have to hide the eggs. Boys and girls, Would you like to help her   again?   C: Yes.   T: I want to divide you into two groups. Scissors, cut! Cut! Cut! Later, group1   follows Easter   Bunny to hide the eggs. Group2 follows me and waits for a minute, then let's go   to have an egg   hunt. OK?   C: OK.   (Take the children to play in the garden.)   T: Put on the headband please. Group2, would you please close your eyes.   T1: Group1, are you ready? Let's go to hide the eggs. (Play the music: "Easter   Bunny") "East


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毕业于中南财经政法大学,十二年office学习经验。 微软MOS认证专家,曾予供销社、中国银行、国家电网等企事业单位定制财务模板与PPT模板。 头条百家数十万粉丝作者,WPS稻壳儿优秀设计师。


