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Page Page PAGE # of 13 Page Page PAGE # of 13 贵州省贵阳市2015中考英语试卷 单选题(共15小题) 1 ? a zoo near my neigh borhood, so I like to spend time there. Tliere is B? There was C. There' 11 be 2? Bob hurt in the basketball match at school yesterday afternoon. A. myself B? himself C. herself 3?"T m sorry, Mr. Smith? I got up late. ” “ next time. ” A. Don' t be late B? Keep quiet C? No eating New War is coming, wc should make resolutions the beginning of the year. A. in B?on C. at 5? The Monkey King can make the stick so that he can put it into his car. A.B.C.6.short small long“Alex, I think two hour of TV is enough for you. ” A. B. C. 6. short small long “Alex, I think two hour of TV is enough for you. ” “Could I at least finish this show?” A? watching B? to watch C? watch 7. Hou Yi Shoots the Suns one of the most traditional stories in China. was is C? are 8? The book Harry Potter Mary because J- K? Rowling is her favorite writer. A. must belong to B? can' t belong to C? may be 9. The telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. A? is invented B? was invented C? were invented 10? Tina doesn' t like the restaurant because the music there makes her ? sleeping slept C? sleepy 11 ? When Bob is upset or tired, he prefers comedies that can ? A? look it up B. clean them up C ? cheer him up 12? The kids may not go to school in the fbture. They at home on computers? have studied will study C? studied 13?"Excuse me, could you tell me ?" “Ok. 1(' s on Main Street. ” A. where was the suj*)ermarket B? where is the supermarket C? where the supermarket is 14?“Look! sunny day it is! How about going hiking?n “Tha(‘ s a good idea. A. What a B? Ilowa C? What In order to protect the environment, we shouldiV t any trees. A. turn down B? put down C? cut down 二、信息匹配(共3小题) 从右栏选项中找出左栏各句的恰当冋答。 1 ? Hello, Jenny speak ing? A. I like music that I can dance to. 2. How often does Jeff go to the library? B. It' s 876-9548. 3? What' s your telephone number? C. They"『e pretty good ? 4. What do you think ofthc


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