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*1 *11 小学教育资源站 2010届初三中考英语模拟试题 第I卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项屮选出一个町以填入句中空白处的圭答案。 ( )l.The subject of Shanghai Expo is ? A One world, one dream B Hand in hand C Learn from each other D Better city, better life ( )2.?—Do you know boy in blue? Students1■一 Students1 Union of our school. A a, a B the, the C a, the D the, a ( )3?The teacher the papers and the test began? gave in B. gave away C? gave out D? gave up ( )4. TV do you watch every day?——Less than an hour. How much B How many C How often D How long ( )5.?—How old is your daughter? —? ? We had a special party for her birthday last Sunday. Nine; nine B; Nine; ninth C. Nine; nineth D. Ninth; ninth ( )6.…What about some drinks? … ? Help yourself B. Me, too C. You're welcome D? Yes, please ( )7. Excuse me, can you tell me ? -一Sure? There's a good restaurant on Main Street. where I can post letters what movie I can see here if there ?s a good place to eat in how I get to the bus station ( )& …Tom! Don7! put the book so close to your eyes! Move it a bit ? …OK, mom. Is it all right? A. longer B? farther C? nearer D. brighter ( )9. I was late for the first class this morning. When I got here, the class for five minutes. A. has started B? has been on C? had begun D. had been on ( )10.?—He didn't pass the exam, did he??—No, he had done his best? A. but B so C since D because ( )11.Look! It be David on the playground. -一It be him, because I saw him enter the school library just now? A. must; mustn't B? must; can't C? may; mustn't D. can; can't ( )12? I had to buy these books because I didn't know which one was the best. A. none B. all C. both D. neither ( )13. 417 college students* village officials (村官) in Yancheng next month. They will work hard in the countryside? A. will select B. is selected C? will be selected D. were selected ( )14. Ifs important for us to take actions to prevent Hand-foot-and-mouth disease from spreading, wc can't oftcn take the children to the public? A. although B. but C. beca


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