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e 谐波齿轮减速器的设计与建模 作者 :e (e ) 指导老师: ee [ 摘要 ] :谐波齿轮传动是 50 年代中期,随着空间技术的发展,在薄壳弹性变形的理论基 础上发展起来的一种新型的传动技术。我国从 1961 年开始谐波齿轮传动方面的研制工作,并 且在研究、试制和使用方面取得了较大的成绩。但是在民用产品应用中,谐波减速器存在着 传动 “爬行 ”和 “丢步的现象严重影响其谐波齿轮类产品的设计制造,也制约着其产品的不断 推广,是该产品亟待解决的技术难题。本文主要介绍了谐波齿轮传动的原理,发展历史,应 用领域,发展趋势及其优缺点。前半部分介绍了谐波齿轮减速器的设计计算,为了更好地分 析谐波齿轮传动,后半部分用 PRO/E建立了三维模型。写出了主要零件的绘制过程,并展示 了各个零部件,最后给出了装配图。 [ 关键词 ] 谐波齿轮,传动设计,三维模型,装配 第 1 页 共 52 页 e The design and modeling of harmonic gear reducer Author:e (e) Tutor:e [Abstract] Harmonic gear transmission is developed with the of space science and thchnology in mid 50s,on the basis of elastic thin shell theory developed a new type of drive technology.So far ,we have already had dozen of units engaged in the research ofthis aspect in our country ,and developed into a variety of types of harmonic gear transimission deviced.In this field it had research at different level on all issues, but many problems still has not yet been determined,and some regularity has not revealed .such as civilian products,There is “crawling ”andon in the harmonic” lost step ” phenomen gear reducer transmission .So it is impact on the design of harmonic gear product manufacturing,also restrict the further promotion of its products.and solove the problem that exist in the transmission ,it isan urgent need of a job in the current this kind of prod


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