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牛津高中英语模块一第三单元阅读部分的教学反思 牛津高中英语模块一第三单元阅读部分的教学反思 牛津高中英语模块一第三单元阅读部分的教学反思 牛津高中英语模块一第三单元阅读部分的教课反省 前言 牛津高中英语模块一 Unit3 的话题是 Looking good, feeling good。阅读部分的资料选自一对好朋友 Amy 和 Zhou Ling 的三封邮件。叙述 Amy 冒着生命危险减肥,在实时治疗后, 终于理解 beauty和 health之间的正确关系。 旨在经过此文章学习,让学生深刻意会出健康的价值, 以及社会上人与人之间的友情和关爱的重要性。经过阅读议论认识保持健康的各样方法, 鼓舞和帮助同学朋友合理饮食加以踊跃得参加体育锻炼,养成优秀的生活习惯。 学生经过一段时间的高中英语阅读技巧的训练, 基本掌握了略读、 跳读等必定的阅读技术, 可以读懂并剖析此文, 但大多半学生运用英语进行社交活动的能力较差,因此要增强此方面的训练。高中生比较独立、思想比较活跃,也有着爱张扬个性的特色,部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师,愿意张口讲,但大多半学生显得更为矜持,不像小学生、初中生那么爱举手讲话。所以,实行因材施教,运用切近学生生活的题材, 设置学生感兴趣的活动, 就能让全部的学生投入到讲堂学习中来。 教课目的 After learning this part, the students will be able to grasp the main topics of the three e-mails— Amy’ s problems, how she dealt with them and Zhou Ling ’ s concerns and advice to Amy and the students ’ interest will be stimulated in learning English by expressing their own opinions on the topic“ To be beautiful or to be healthy ” . Through some practice, the students will improve their reading abilities of skimming and scanning to a certain level. 教课过程 Step1 Lead-in Show the students some pictures and ask them to answer the following questions: ●Do they look good and feel good? Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? Why? Then show them a picture about a fat man exercising to lose weight which may make the students laugh and ask them this question: What ’ s the man trying to do? 设计企图:经过图片,激发学生的兴趣,引入 “减肥 ”这一话题。 Step 2 Pre-reading Do some pair work to discuss this question? If you are the person who is a little over-weight, how would you lose weight? Suggested answers: Going on a diet / Doing exercise / Receiving surgical treatment / Taking weight-loss pills Talk about the ways to lose weight and discuss which methods they prefer, including the advantages and disadvantages. Finally fill in the form. Two questions for further discussion: Which method would you prefer? What are theadvantages and disadvantages of each of them? Ask the students to look at the title and predict what will be talked about in the text


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