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·/南环路地块 产品定位及规划建议JIAO ZHOU YOUTH LAKE NEW TOWNIf the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times.2009年9月If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art their the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that 目 录 CONTENTS一、国家宏观调控对房地产市场的影响二、石狮房地产市场分析三、项目地块分析四、产品规划建议五、有巢氏成功个案分享If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art their the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that国家宏观调控对房地产市场的影响If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art their the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that 2010年上半年国家房地产市场调控政策连续出台 市场反应如何?一、出台政策及主要内容上半年中央政策接连出台,市场显现“紧缩”态势1月10日 《关于促进房地产市场平稳健康发展的通知》· 加快中低价位、中小套型普通商品住房建设,增加住房建设用地有效供应。· 加大差别化信贷政策执行力度,继续实施差别化的住房税收政策· 加强房地产信贷风险管理,继续整顿房地产市场秩序,进一步加强土地供 应管理和商品房销售管理,加强市场监测。· 力争到2012年末,基本解决1540万户低收入住房困难家庭的住房问题。· 进一步健全和落实稳定房地产市场、解决低收入家庭住房困难问题由省级 人民政府负总责。一、出台政策及主要内容3月8日《加强房地产用地供应和监管有关问题的通知》 · 确保保障性住房用地供应。· 严格规范商品房用地出让行为。· 坚持和完善土地招拍挂制度。· 严格依法处置闲置房地产用地。一、出台政策及主要内容4月1


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