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XX年12月大学英语四级词句精选试题 xx年12月大学英语四级词句精选试题   1.Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) way to deal with some stressful situation.   A) effective   B) efficient   C) favorable   D) favorite   2.The situation described in the report terrible, but it may not happen.   A) inclines   B) maintains   C) sounds   D) remains   3.The pany is trying every means to the wholesale price of its products.   A) pull down   B) put down   C) set down   D) bring down   4.The mayor the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.   A) rewarded   B) awarded   C) credited   D) prized   5.The native Canadians lived in with nature, for they respected nature as a provider of life.   A) coordination   B) acquaintance   C) contact   D) harmony   6.Many people are asking whether traditional research universities in fact have any future .   A) at all   B) so far   C) in all   D) on end   7.I was impressed the efficiency of the work done in the pany.   A) in   B) about   C) with   D) for   8.Now in Britain, wines take up four times as much in the storehouse as both beer and spirits.   A) block   B) land   C) patch   D) space   9.His hand shook a little as he the key in the lock.   A) squeezed   B) ed   C) stuffed   D) pierced   10.For professional athletes, to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.   A) aess   B) attachment   C) appeal   D) approach   1.答案:A   参考译文:显示幽默感可以成为处理一些紧张情况的一种有效的方式。   题目分析:此题的提干结构比拟简单,只需注意主语Showing some sense of humor为动名词作主语.   考点解析:此题的解题主要根据上下文的意思判断,由stressful situation可以大概判断出要填入词语的意思.此题主要是对两组词语意思的辨析,effective和efficient,以及favorable 和favorite,两组词汇的形式差不多,且都可以做形容词,大家要重点辨析一下.   2.答案:C   参考译文:报道中所描述的情况听起来可怕,但它可能不会发生。   题目分析:此题的提干结构简单,只需注意一个定语从句,described in the report,其先行词为The situation.   考点解析:此题所需填入的是一个系动词,由标志词report以及后面的半个分句but it may not happen,可以很容易选出需填入sound.   注意:incline这个作动词的用法在四级中经常涉及,大家要特别注意.   3.答案:D   参考译文:该公司正试图通过各种手段来降低其产品


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