The Guardian《惊涛大冒险(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Guardian《惊涛大冒险(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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There's a legend of a man who lives beneath the sea. 有个传说 说海水下住了个人 He is a fisher of men, 他是捞人的 the last hope of all those who have been left behind. 是落伍者的最后希望 Many survivors claim to have felt his gripping hands beneath them, 很多逃生者声称他们感觉到 他的手托在自己身下 pushing them up to the surface, 把自己推上了海面 whispering strength until help could arrive. 低声鼓励他们 直到救援赶来 But this, of course, is only a legend. 但这 当然 只是个传说 Help! 救命 Over here! 在这 Sherilyn! 谢蕊琳 Help! 救命 Ma'am, I'm a Coast Guard rescue swimmer. 夫人 我是海岸警卫队救生员 I'm here to help you. 我是来救你的 Sir, stay with your flotation. I'll be back for you. 先生 和你的浮标待在一起 我会回来接你的 Don't leave me! Just stay there. 别丢下我 待在那 Don't you leave me! 别丢下我 CREW Basket is outside the cabin door and going down. 救生篮已经在舱外 正在吊下 Roger. Copy you. 收到 Forward and right 30. Forward and right 15. 右前方30尺 右前方15尺 Right 15. 右前15尺 Ho, ho, ho! 停 停 Basket is in the water. 救生篮入水了 Swimmer and survivor are at the basket. 救生员和生还者已经在篮内了 Put your head in first. 让你的头先进去 I gotta get out! 我得出去 Easy, forward. 慢点 向前 Let go! Let go. 放开 放开 Let go. You're drowning her! 放开 你会淹死她的 Swimmer just popped him in the face. 救生员给了他脸上一拳 Okay, he's putting the man in the basket. 他把男人放进篮里了 The man is in the basket. 男人进篮了 We're taking the load. 我们要把他拉上来 Whoa, big wave. 哇 大浪来袭 Get out! Get out! What's wrong with you? 出去 出去 你有毛病啊? Sit there and shut up. 坐好 闭嘴 Swimmer in sight. 看到救生员了 Prepare to take the load. 准备拉起 I have the ready-for-pickup signal. 我看到"可以拉起"的信♥号♥♥了 Swimmer is approaching cabin door. 救生员靠近舱门了 Survivor looks unconscious. 生还者看来失去了意识 Swimmer inside the cabin door. 救生员在舱内了 Cabin door closing. 关上舱门 I think you just broke my nose. 我想你打断了我的鼻子 And you may have killed your wife, sir. 而你可能杀了你太太 先生 Twenty minutes to Kodiak. 20分钟到科迪亚克 CREW Roger. He's giving her CPR. 收到 他正在对她进行心肺复苏 Comstate Kodiak, this is Coast Guard 6096. 科迪亚克中心 这是海岸警卫队6096号♥ We have two hypothermic survivors onboard. 舱内载有两名低体温生还者 We'll be there in 20 minutes. 我们20分钟后到 Requesting to ha


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