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(完整)八年级上册英语Unit2单元测试题 (完整)八年级上册英语Unit2单元测试题 PAGE / NUMPAGES (完整)八年级上册英语Unit2单元测试题 德一教育 —让优异成为一种习惯 八年级上册 英语人教版八年级上 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 单元检测 (总分 100 分,用时 60 分钟 ) Ⅰ.单项选择 (每题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.Although they feel tired,______they still go on working. A .and B. but C. / D.so 2.His grandmother is well because she often ______. A .exercises B .smokes C. sleeps D. sings 3.—______do they play basketball?—Every day. A .How soon B. How much C. How many D.How often 4.His mother wants him______at home today. A .stays B .stayed C. to stay D. staying [根源 :] 5.Here______the results______the exam. A .is; with B.are;of C.is; of D .are;with 6.Mr.Morgan ______ know the way to the museum. A .maybe B.may be C.may D. perhaps 7.Many animals ______ because the weather was bad. A .were dead B. died C.dying D. death 8.They usually go shopping ______. A .one a week B. once a week C.one the week D. once week 9.Tim is young,______, he can speak three languages. A .but B.yet C.however D. though 10. Smoking______your health. A .is good for B. is bad for C.is good to D.is bad to 11. I do homework every day, usually when I come______home______school. A .to; from B. at; for C./; from D.from;to 12. The students exercise every day,and they try______themselves healthy. A .keep B.keeping C. kept D. to keep 13. ______ hours do you exercise every day? A .How long B.How much C.How many D. How often 1 德一教育 —让优异成为一种习惯 八年级上册 14. The answers ______ these questions were very ____. A .of ;interesting B. to;interested C. of;interested D .to;interesting 15. —How ______juice would you like?— One kilo. A .many B.much C. heavy D.often Ⅱ.完形填空 (每题 2 分,共 20 分) How can we keep healthy ? One important thing is to exercise __16__.The Smith family try to exercise he runs every evening.He walks a lot , __18__.He walks to school every day and after school he __19__basketball with his friends.Qiang goes to a yoga(瑜伽 )class__20__a week.But it isn't__21__ this way.Last year Mr. and Mrs. Smith drove(驾车 )everyw


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