课时1 Comic strip &Welcome to the unit习题课件.pptVIP

课时1 Comic strip &Welcome to the unit习题课件.ppt

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Unit 8 Natural disasters 课时1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit c 点拨训练课时作业本 Ⅰ. 根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. The e________(地震) in Wenchuan killed many people. 2. Some visitors were trapped in the mountain because of the sudden f________(洪水). 3. Because of a bad s______(暴雨), the plane didn't arrive on time. 4. There are many c________(长途汽车) in the station. 5. Shenzhen is on the coast near Hong Kong. It was a small v________(村庄) many years ago. arthquake lood torm oaches illage Ⅱ. 单项选择。 6. There is so much water on the floor. Why not ________? A. to mop it up B. mop it up C. you mop up it D. to mop up it 7. The rain is ________ and the wind is ________. A. heavy;strong B. heavy;hardly C. big;strongly D. heavily;hard B A 8. —I called you at 8: 00 yesterday evening, but no one answered. —Sorry. I ________ clothes for my parents at that time. A. wash B. washed C. am washing D. was washing 9. It was very cold. He picked up sticks ________, but sadly the house ________. A. to make a fire; caught a fire B. to make a fire;caught fire C. made fire; caught fire D. made a fire;caught fire D B 10. (中考?吉林)________ birds have come back because the environment here becomes better and better. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands A Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 你能用拖把拖干净地板上的水吗? Could you ________ ________ the water on the floor? 12. 如果没有树木,雨水会冲走泥土。 If there are no trees, rainwater will _______ _______ earth. 13. 闪电击中那棵树,它着火了。 ________ hit the tree and it ________ fire. mop up wash away Lightning caught 14. 刚才他的小汽车撞上了一堵墙。 His car ________ ________ a wall just now. 15. 你听说昨天那场严重的交通事故了吗? Did you hear of the serious ________ ________ yesterday? crashed into traffic accident


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