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中考句型 is one of the +最高级+n(pl.)… 是最…的…之一 He is one of the tallest boys in our class. Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world. 这栋楼是北京最高的建筑物之一。 This building is one of the tallest buildings in Beijing. 伦敦是世界上最著名的城市之一。 London is one of the most famous cities in the world. It is +adj for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事怎么样 It’s quite difficult for the little boy to carry such a big box. It’s easy for him to eat two hamburgers for lunch. 对老年人来说记住英语单词很困难。 It’s very difficult for old people to remember English words. 对她来说收集邮票很有趣。 It’s very interesting for her to collect stamps. It is a good idea to do sth 做某事是个好主意 It’s a good idea to remember 10 English words every day. It’s a good idea to eat less salt. 在父母生日送他们礼物是个好主意。 It’s a good idea to give parents presents on their birthday. 为需要的人提供帮助是个好主意。 It’s a good idea to provide help to the people in need. …+be the second +最高级+n… …是第二… It’s the second tallest building in the city. I’m the second shortest student in my class. 它是这个国家的第二大城市。 It’s the second largest city in the country. 我的妈妈是家里第二年长的人。 My mother is the oldest person in my family. It looks like … / It sounds like … 它看起来像… / 它听起来像 It looks like a small cat. It sounds like a piece of good news. 它看起来像一片叶子。 It looks like a leaf. 它听起来像一支美妙的乐曲。 It sounds like a piece of beautiful music. It seems to sb that… 在某人看来好像/似乎… It seems to me that jogging is a good way to keep healthy. It seems to him that this job is too difficult. 在我妈妈看来唱歌似乎是一种很好的放松方式。 It seems to my mother that singing is a good way to relax. 在学生们看来春游似乎是非常有趣的。 It seems to students that the school trip is very interesting. It sounds +adj / It looks +adj 它听起来… / 看起来… It sounds brilliant. It looks very sweet. 这件毛衣看起来很时尚。 This sweater looks very fashionable. 这首歌听起来很动听。 This song sounds very nice. It takes / took sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多长时间 It takes him half an hour to finish his homework every day. It took us two years to build this house. 坐火车从上海到南京花费了我们两个小时。 It took us two hours to go from Shanghai to Nanjing


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