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2018中考动词应用 2018中考动词应用 PAGE / NUMPAGES 2018中考动词应用 2017 中考动词应用汇集及答案 一、阅读下面短文, 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 ( 必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。 My grandmother was an iron-willed ( 强硬的 ) woman. When I was five, she invited some friends to her apartment. Among the guests there (1) ____________(be) a rich manand his daughter. Grandmother considered them the most important among the guests. During the party, I went to the bathroom. I was still sitting down when the girl walked in. “You (2) ____________ (stay) here too long! ” “It ’s not your business. Don ’t you know that little girls shouldn ’t come into the bathroom when a little boy (3) ____________ (use) it! ” I said in anger. This (4) ____________ (surprise) the littlegirl. Then she started to cry. Most guests had heard what I said and laughed. But not Grandmother. She (5) ____________ (wait) for me when I left the bathroom. Grandmother shouted that I was impolite and rude and ordered, “You (6)____________ (say) sorry to her. ” All the guests watched in silence. Twenty minutes later, Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent ( 激流 ) of water (7) ____________ (run) out from under the door. Everyone knew who did that. Grandmother was so angry that she tried (8) ____________ (get) me anyway. It took several strong men finally to move her away and calm her down. My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on his lap. He looked at me, not at all angry or upset. “(9) ____________ (tell) me,” he asked, “why did you do it ” “Well, she shouted at me for nothing, ” I said seriously. “Now she’s got something to be angry at. ” Grandfather didn ’t speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. I (10) _________ never __________ (forget) his expressions ( 表情 ) for my whole life. “Eric, ” he said at last, “I think you did the right thing. ” 答案: 1. were; 2. have stayed; 3. is using; 4. surprised; 5. was waiting; 6. must say; 7. running; 8. to get; 9. Tell ;10. will, forget 二、阅读短文,并用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时,可加助动词或情态动词等。


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