人教新课标 高中英语必修三Unit 4 Reading 重点短语和长难句分析 课件.pptVIP

人教新课标 高中英语必修三Unit 4 Reading 重点短语和长难句分析 课件.ppt

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3. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. ①what引导的是_____从句, what在从句中作become的_____。 ②思考:When引导的是定语从句or时间状语从句? ③主语从句中was to become是“be to do”结构,在句中表示____________的动作。 主语 表语 “将要发生” 4. The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. ①so…that…如此…以至于… ②It is/was not clear whether…不清楚是否… It was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 主 系 表 真正主语 5. They were in time to produce carbon dixoide, nitrogen, water vapor…,which were to make the earth’s atmosphere. ① in time及时, 终于 eg. The doctor came just in time. 拓展: all the time 一直, 始终 at the same time 同时 from time to time 时不时地 in no time 立刻, 马上 ②which引导的是__________________ 非限制性定语从句 6. What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. ①what 引导的从句是________. ②that 引导的从句是_________,其中又有一个as 引导的____________. 主语从句 表语从句 时间状语从句 7. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. ①that 从句是__________,是真正的主语, it是__________。 ②be fundamental to …意思是______________ 主语从句 形式主语 对……至关重要 8. What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. ①what引导的是________, what在从句中作believe的_____. ②that引导的是_________. ③ dissolved…into…________________ 主语从句 宾语 表语从句 把……融入… Astronomy: the science of the stars (language points) 重点短语: according to 按照,根据 L1 whether…or not 是否 L9 in time 及时 L10 cool down 冷却 L14 be fundamental to 对…至关重要 L20 dissolve…into… 把…融入… L23 a chain reaction 连锁反应 L25 8. lay eggs 下蛋 L39 9. be different from 不同于… L43 10. give birth to 产生,分娩 L43 11. in one’s turn 轮到某人;接着 L46 12. look after 照顾,照看 L47 13. prevent……from…… 阻止…L48 14. escape from… 逃脱… L48 15. as a result of 作为…的结果L49 16. depend on 依赖,依靠 L50 Self-study: 1. No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago. 2. However, accordi


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