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初三中考复习考点整合 名词 一,高频考点梳理 I .可数名词&不可数名词: 经历:experie nces 经验:experie nee 建议:suggesti ons 建议:advice 信息:in formati ons 消息:message 练习:exercices 锻炼:exercise 试卷:test papers 纸:paper 报纸:n ewspapers 时间:time 次数:times 进步:progress 想法:ideas, opinions, thoughts, feelings 知识:kno wledge 著作:works 工作:work 职业:jobs 新闻:n ews 服务:services 天气:weather 困难:difficulties 乐趣:fun II .单数变复数: 1. o+s: photos, radios, pianos; 2. o+es: potatoes, tomatoes, heroes; 3. y---ies: stories, batteries, robberiesd; 4. y+s: storeys; 5. f, fe— ves: wolves , wives, leaves; 6. 同形:fish, sheep, people, Chinese, Japanese. III. 修饰可数名词的数量词: few, a few, on ly a few many, too many, how many a couple of, a pair of, a doze n several, ple nty of, a lot of a nu mber of, a great nu mber of IV. 修饰不可数名词的数量词: little, a little, only a little much, too much, how much a great deal of, ple nty of, a lot of an amount of, huge amounts of a large qua ntity of 二,经典考题 1. You can see quite a few in the Carrefour supermarket n earby. ( 13 二模闵行) A. fruit B. fish C. sugar D. food 2 / 6 2. Dan rushed into the classroom, shout ing excitedly that he had brought back a of good n ews for us. 模徐汇) A) pair B) nu mber C) piece D) sig n 3. Uncle Tom raises many on his farm and we often go there for a visit. (13 一模崇明) A) sheep B) horse C) pig D) bird 4. Tony borrowed some books from the library to get some about Western culture. ( 13 一模虹口) A) picture B) story C) idea D) in formati on 5. David made great with the help of his group members. ( 13 一模黄浦) A. differe nee B. progress C. process D. product 6. You can get many to improve your memory from readi ng the magaz ine. ( 13 一模长宁) A) ways B) advice C) in formatio n D) n ews 7. This summer vocati on I am going to do a lot of to prepare for the senior high school. ( 14 二模黄浦) A. job B. work C. i nven tio n D. service 8. Professor Li gave us a very useful on how to prepare for the exam. ( 14 二模徐汇) A. advice B. in formatio n C. experie nee D. suggesti on 9. Two were hav ing lunch in the office at that time. ( 1


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