Project 1 Revision, Part A (My profile)(教案)-2021-2022学年英语四年级上册译林版(三起).docx

Project 1 Revision, Part A (My profile)(教案)-2021-2022学年英语四年级上册译林版(三起).docx

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Project 1 Revision, Part A (My profile)教案 Teaching contents Revision, Part A (My profile) Teaching aims and learning objectives 1. 能够根据图表内容,综合运用前四个单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识,展开活动与交流。 2. 能够运用第1单元至第4单元所学的语言知识和语言技能进行交流,完成调查表,并根据调查表的内容为自己做介绍。 3. 能够在综合运用语言知识和语言技能的过程中,介绍自己并且了解他人。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点:1. 综合运用第1至第4单元的词汇、句型等语言知识进行交流。 2. 完成调查表并根据表格内容来介绍自己。 教学难点:通过完成调查表来进行自我介绍。 Teaching aids 教学准备:自画像、多媒体课件 Teaching procedures Step 1 Warm-up and lead-in 1. Show T’s simple form of profile and teach the word “profile”. 2. Lead in three questions about this lesson. 3. Show the learning aims of this lesson 4. Watch and say. Watch the cartoon Animals and try to say out the names of animals . 5. Free talk T: Do you like pandas? S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. T: What do you like? S: I like … 【设计意图:以观看卡通动画形式带动学生学习热情,通过师生关于动画内容的交流,创设英语学习氛围,也为后面的复习进行铺垫。】 Step 2 Revision (words) 1. Magic eyes: Animals and Fruit T: Here’s a game about animals and fruit. (当看见动物的时候请大声说出来,看见水果时说“Yummy”!) 【设计意图:以游戏的形式整体复习动物类单词的认读,为后面的句型复习打下基础。此处的水果图片看似是无用选项,实则为下面的头脑风暴做铺垫。】 2. Brainstorm T: Do you remember what fruits you can see? Please work in groups and name as many fruits as you can. S: (分小组讨论,列举学过的水果类单词) 【设计意图:利用头脑风暴游戏方式让学生主动说出水果类单词,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,在小组内轮流说,有利于学生的相互促进。】 3. Work in pairs, try to ask and answer. 4. Let’s chant.(四人小组,依次选择自己喜欢的东西,仿照以下句型创编小诗,并在说出后与下一位同学击掌说“Yeah”。) Dog, dog, I like dogs . Pear, pear, I like pears. 5. Guessing game T: You did a good job. Here are some toys for you. What are they? Guess. S: (列举所学玩具类单词:toy car, stickers, doll, basketball, football, robot) 【设计意图:以猜礼物的形式复习玩具类单词,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时也为下面的like和have句型做铺垫。】 Step 3 Revision (About the sentences) Review the sentence: (What do you like? I like … What do you have?/I have …/How many … do you have?/I have …) T: Look at these presents. What do you like? S: I like … T: A: Do you have… ? S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. T: What do you have ? S: I have … T: How many …(s) do you have? S: I have



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