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关于长城的英语作文多篇 关于长城的英语作文(一) : The Great Wall is the symbol of China 。 Far see the magnificent Great Wall , like a long dragon winding between mountains , from shanhai pass to jiayu pass , there are more than thirteen thousand! Starting from Beijing , but will a few tens of kilometers to reach the Great Wall 。 Ah , the Great Wall for a long long , endless blocks , as the serpent lay to rest on the mountains 。 The Great Wall is built against the many stone and ChengZhuan 。 On the square brick on the top , very neat , like a broad road , WuLiuPi horses to go side by side 。 Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high , above the square at the mouth and the nozzle , for observation and shooting , and on the top of the wall , a ChengTai every few hundred meters - ancient war can mutual echo 。 The walls of the Great Wall is not a separate , but by the walls and watchtowers , GuanCheng , pier fort ,city , defend the beacon tower city , town and other fortifications of plete system engineering 。 If standing on the Great Wall , will naturally think of the ancient working people built the Great Wall 。 Look at the stone , a piece of have two or three one thousand catties 。 Less tools at that time ,only by countless people's shoulders numerous hand , step by step to carry on the steep mountain terrain 。 How many working people sweat and wisdom , is the former see first , after see the Great Wall of China! Such a spirit grand project , is a great miracle! 长城是中国的象征。 远看那雄伟的长城, 像一条长龙在崇山 峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋,从山海关到嘉峪关,就有一万三千多里 ! 从北京出发,但是几十公里就能到达长城脚下。啊,长城好 长好长,一眼望不到头,仿佛巨蛇躺在山岭上休息。长城是用许 多条石和城砖筑成的。顶上铺着方砖,十分整齐,像一条宽宽的 马路,五六匹马儿能够并


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