三年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 It`s a parrot. (Revision)-人教精通版.ppt

三年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 It`s a parrot. (Revision)-人教精通版.ppt

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Whats missing? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What’s your name? What’s that ? What class are you in? What’s this? Is it a chick? How old are you? How are you? What time is it? Lets chant. This this ,that that That that ,this this This and that That and this What’s this ? What’s this ? What’s that ? What’s that? Let’s play a game! What’s this/that? Work in pairs. One asks, and one answers. (一问一答) It’s a/an… Let’s sing ! Kk parrot monkey lion owl mouse dog Ll Nn Mm kangaroo nest panda Rr Pp Oo Qq quail mouse rabbit rooster elephant tiger * Ethical Treatment of Animals, Respect for Life 善待动物,尊重生命 dolphin The white peacock koala In the past, Animals lived a peaceful life. But now, more and more animals are suffering… 一对北极熊母子无助地坐在一块不断融化缩小的浮冰上,这块浮冰正在快速的远离陆地。小北极熊紧紧依偎在母亲身边,北极熊母亲拼命地保持浮冰平衡稳定,保护受到惊吓的孩子 The polar bear mother and child sitting on the floating ice which is melting, the floating ice is far away from the land quickly. Little polar bear close to her mother, the polar bear mother try to keep the floating ice balance, protect her child which is scary . 每年南非会发生400多起非法盗猎犀牛的事件,犀牛角在国际市场上的身价已经超过了黄金。 Every year there are over 400 cases of illegal hunting on Rhinos, the value of the Rhino horn has exceeded Gold in international markets. That’s all coused by us! Let’s act together to build them a harmonious home! Ethical Treatment of Animals, Respect for Life We love animals Unit5Revision Today we are going to the Zoo! kangaroo lion monkey mouse nest owl dog parrot Panda quail rabbit rooster tiger elephant Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? *


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