Young Sheldon《小谢尔顿》第五季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Young Sheldon《小谢尔顿》第五季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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? 世上没人比我强壮 ? ? Nobody else is stronger than I am ? ? 昨天我移了一座山 ? ? Yesterday I moved a mountain ? ? 我相信我能当你的英雄 ? ? I bet I could be your hero ? ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ? ? I am a mighty little man ? ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ? ? I am a mighty little man ? 少年谢尔顿 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 Previously on Young Sheldon... 有没有说过要一起从酒吧回家 有 Did we talk about going home from the bar together? Sure. 可是实际上并没发生什么 But nothing actually happened. 感觉有点不妥 Kind of feels like it. 确实 It does feel like it. 为什么会有这种感觉 Why does it feel like it? -你好啊 玛丽 -你好啊 约翰 - Hi, Mary. - Hey, John. 你怎么会在这里 What are you doing here? 我最近刚丢了工作嘛 Well, I lost my job, 所以我就想试试新工作 来当超♥市♥小弟 so, while I'm figuring things out, I'm a bag boy. 这是不是有点大材小用了 Aren't you a little overqualified? 非常 Very. 你有博士学位 You've got a PhD. 你是在座最聪明的人 You're the smartest person here. 这不好说 Well... 在物理学里 In physics, 势能是很有趣的一个主题 potential energy is a fascinating topic. 比如弹簧被压住时 能储存所有的能量 Objects like springs store energy when they're coiled, 直到有机会将其全部释放 一飞冲天 waiting to unleash their full potential and soar to the heavens. 快看我冲上云霄的样子 Would you look at me go! 哪怕是玩具版的我 也要飞到众生之上 Even in toy form, I'm shooting for the stars. 物体的势能 While the potential energy of an object 能被测量出绝对值 can be measured in absolutes, 但人类的发展走势还是难以捉摸 human potential remains more elusive. 有时候某人有着无尽的潜能 Sometimes, people seem to have all the potential in the world, 却不知为何 只能留在原地 but for some reason stay stuck to the ground. 为什么你要在这里浪费时间 But why are you wasting your time here 浪费大好的科研时光呢 when you could be doing science? 我跟你说过了 我在这里很开心 I told you, I'm happy here. 你在这里怎么会开心啊 How could you be happy? 你有物理学博士学位 You have a doctorate in physics, 现在却在给豆子罐头贴价格 and you're sticking labels to a case of beans. 我在这里工作满一个月 I had to work here a month 他们才给我用贴标枪的资格 before they let me use this thing. 但只要我想要 午餐时间就能直接去买♥♥到真枪 And yet, I could go buy a real gun on my lunch break. 咱们德州可真有意思 Ha! Texas, huh? 难道你不怀念解开宇宙谜团的时光吗 But don't you miss trying to unlock the secrets of the universe? 谢尔顿 我这一生都在追着假


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