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PAGE PAGE 16 商业银行腐败程度的影响因素探究 摘要:腐败是当下的热门话题,但是公众对于腐败的认知还仅仅是在于行政领域,对于金融腐败还有些陌生。金融腐败的范围之广,涉案金额之多,远远超出一般人的想象。而银行业作为金融领域的三架马车之一发挥着举足轻重的作用,银行业的腐败将会对金融生态环境造成巨大的破坏。本文通过计量经济学的方法定量研究商业银行的腐败程度,选取我国每年职务犯罪案件数量作为腐败程度的替代指标,以银行业不良贷款比例,银监会现场检查覆盖率,以及金融从业人员的平均工资水平作为影响因素,希望以此度量我国商业银行的腐败程度。虽然实证分析的结果并没有达到预期,但是这种研究方法和变量的选取是一种创新,随着数据的不断丰富以及模型的不断完善,可以预见在不久的将来会找到合适的变量来刻画我国商业银行的腐败状况。 关键词:金融腐败定量研究腐败程度 The Factors of Influence To The Level Of Corruption In Commercial Bank Abstract: Corruption is a current hot topic, but the public think that corruption just happen in administrative domain, financial corruption is unfamiliar to them. Financial corruption,in fact,is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. And as commercial bank plays a critical role in the finacial sector, the corruption of those banks will cause great damage to the financial environment. In this essay,we will study the degree of corruption in commercial banks from the method of econometrics, select the number of cases of crimes committed each year as a surrogate variable for the level of corruption, and select the ratio of non-performing loan of bank , the coverage of CBRC on-site inspection, and the averagelevel of wage of the financial employees as factors, we hope to measure the extent of corruption in China's commercial banks. Although the results of empirical analysis did not meet expectations, but this approach to study corruption of bank is an innovation and as the data was enriched and the model was improved constantlly, it can be expected that the appropriate variable will be found in the future to characterize the corruption in commercial banks. Keywords: Financial corruption Quantitative study Degree of corruption 一、 引言 随着近年来政府反腐力度的不断加强,不少“大老虎”被成功打下台,反腐成为舆论讨论的热门话题。虽然如此,但腐败的形势依然十分的严峻,而且腐败就像瘟疫一样不断地从行政部门领域向其他领域滋生蔓延。从历年的官方报道来看,金融领域正在成为腐败发生的下一个重灾地。仅仅在2015年的第一个季度,就有民生银行原行长毛晓峰、北京银行董事陆海军等多名银行高层接受调查或者双规。并且从这些报道中我们分析出:金融腐败的主体已经逐渐由中低层管理者向高层管理者蔓延的趋势,而腐败涉及的金额也越来越大。但是金融领域的腐败案件相比其他领域的腐败案件受到人们的关注度要少,原因之一在于其腐败结果对于受害者的影响并不十分


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