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PAGE PAGE 40 软件外包流程管理系统设计与实现 摘要:随着经济全球化的逐步深入,经济形势发生了改变,外包逐渐成为生产方式的主流。 软件外包是软件行业从传统的生产方式向全球性的生产方式转换的产物。本系统将采用Java语言,设计一个基于SpringMVC+MyBatis整合的框架下软件外包流程管理系统,很好的与现有的外包业务流程实现了无缝连接,软件外包管理正常运作,并且比传统的外包流程更有效,出错率也降低了不少。 关键词:Java;SpringMVC;MyBatis框架;软件外包管理; The design and implementation of software outsourcing process management system Dai Shuhui Department of Computer,Binjiang College,NUIST,Nanjing 210044,China Abstract:With the acceleration development of economic globalization, the economic situation changed, outsourcing has gradually become the mainstream of mode of production.Software outsourcing is a software industry from the traditional mode of production to the product of global production mode transformation.Java language is adopted in this system, design a based on for SpringMVC + MyBatis integration under the framework of software outsourcing process management system, very good with the existing outsourcing business processes to achieve the seamless connection, the software outsourcing management work, and is more effective than the traditional outsourcing process, error rate is also reduced a lot.With the acceleration development of economic globalization, the economic situation changed, outsourcing has gradually become the mainstream of mode of production.Software outsourcing is a software industry from the traditional mode of production to the product of global production mode transformation.Java language is adopted in this system, design a based on for SpringMVC + MyBatis integration under the framework of software outsourcing process management system, very good with the existing outsourcing business processes to achieve the seamless connection, the software outsourcing management work, and is more effective than the traditional outsourcing process, error rate is also reduced a lot. Key words: Java;SpringMVC;MyBatis;Software outsourcing management; 1 引言 随着经济全球化逐步深入,由于软件应用环境的复杂性,软件工程化不成熟性,以及全球竞争的激烈性,软件开发商需要寻求更高级的业务合作伙伴,以期能够分担风险。软件外包服务商,以其杰出的服务使得软件开发商的产品和


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