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阅读理解(讲义) 一、三步法及例文精讲 阅读 做题三步法: 第一步:读文 记叙类:时间、地点、人物 说明议论类:总分总 / 总分 ( 首尾、层次 ) 第二 步:做题 细看题目和选项,文中适当标注 第三 步:检查 利用标注迅速定位检查 例文: Long, long ago a man arrived in a country. He was surprised to find that only the king stood in the country. He asked people in the country why only the king stood. They told him the king of the country was very short and the king didn ’t want to see anybody taller than him. So he ordered his people not to stand, and then the people would be shorter than him. The man thought for a minute and then he went to meet the king. When he met the king, the man had a talk with him. After that, the king made a new rule that people could stand. People in the country were very surprised, so they asked the man what he told the king. He said, “I just tell him if he asks everyone not to stand, they will remember they have a short king all the time. If people can stand, they will forget all about their short king. ” 本篇属于记叙类文章: 时间:很久很久以前 (long, long ago) 地点:在一个国家 (in a country) 人物:一个男的;国王;国家的臣民 (a man; the king; people in the country) 事件:一个很有智慧的人帮助民众让国王改变了一个很荒唐的规定 ( )1. What did the man find special in the country? A. All the people sat. B. There was no tall man. C. Only the king stood. 1 D. All people there were tall. ( )2. What did the king look like? He was heavy. He was thin. He was tall. He was short. ( )3. What did the man do after he heard that rule? He laughed at the king. He started to sit down. He had a talk with the king. He left the country. ( )4. What can we infer( 推断 ) from the passage? The man was smart. The king was shy. The man was scared. The king was lazy. ( )5. Why did the king make a new rule? He was afraid of that man. He was afraid of the people in the country. He liked different rules. D. He didn ’ t want his people to remember he was short. 二、阅读精选 (1) Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pocket money. But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and it ’s not easy for them, so he



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