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辽宁中考英语作文真题 ▲英语作文的开放性所决定了,告别了客观题生硬的选项和运气因素,作文实打实地考察了英语的基础知识,完全没有办法凭借运气拿到高分。下文是 辽宁中考英语作文真题1 春节是我国的传统节日。请你结合下面的汉语提示为外国友人介绍春节的习俗及我们的庆祝活动。 提示: 1.打扫房间以扫除坏运气。 2.吃年夜饭庆祝新年的到来。 3.家人们观看春节晚会。 4.穿上新衣去拜年。 5.孩子们会收到压岁钱。 1._________________ 2._________________ 3._________________ 4._________________ 5._________________ 参考范文 As you know, the Spring Festival is one of the most important in China. It’s also a traditional festival. It is usually called the Chinese New Year. To celebrate it, people always do a lot of preparations for it.A few days before the festival, People usually have a thorough cleaning everywhere in order to get rid of bad luck. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the whole family are sitting together, having a big dinner and enjoying the TV programmes until midnight. And children are especially happy because they can get lucky money that wrapped in red paper from their elders. On the first day of the New Year, all the people, the old and the young, wear new clothes to pay a visit to their relatives and friends and wish each other good luck in the coming New Year.Everybody has a good time and feels happy during the festival. 辽宁中考英语作文真题2 为了帮助学生迎接中考,在中考前几个月,老师一般都会进行复习教学。一家英语教学研究中心(English Teaching Research Center)正在对中考英语复习教学现状进行调査。请你根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,向他们介绍你们班的英语复习课的情况,谈谈你对英语复习课的感受及看法,并提出建议。 写作要点: 1. Your feelings about your English revision classes. 2. Class activities: a. What did your English teacher usually do in class? b. What did you usually do in class? 3. Your advice on English revision classes to your English teacher. 要求. 1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥; 2. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名; 3. 词数不少于80,短文开头已给岀,不计入总词数。 I think my English revision classes were boring and tiring. In class, my English teacher kept talking from the beginning to the end, which made me bored and sleepy. She explained the rules of words and grammar. We did nothing but listen and take notes. She always asked us to memorize all the words we had learned. There were so many exercises to do and exams to take



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