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第一页,共54页。;第二页,共54页。;;1. satisfy v.[T]使满意,满足(mǎnzú)(需要、要求等)[反dissatisfy];③令我们满意的是,工作(gōngzuò)按时完成。 ____________________, the work was finished on time. ④It's ________________ to learn the success of his son in job-hunting. ⑤John had a ________ smile when he heard the _______________________ news. ;2. scare v. [T]使恐惧,使害怕(hài〃pà) n.[C]惊吓,恐惧;【练习】 完成句子 ④那孩子(hái zi)怕狗。 The boy ___________________________ dogs. ⑤她晚上一个人不敢外出。 She is scared ______________________ alone at night. ⑥迈克非常害怕,不敢去玩蹦极跳。 Mike was too scared ______________ bungee jumping. ;【练习(liànxí)】用scared, scary填空 ⑦他喜欢恐怖电影。 He is fond of ___________________________ movies. ⑧灯光熄灭后,那女孩非常害怕。 When the lights went out, the girl got _____________. ;3. search v.[T/I]搜查(sōuchá),搜寻 n.[C]搜查(sōuchá),搜寻;③你可以在因特网上搜索一下这家宾馆的信息(xìnxī)。 You could try ______________________ the hotel information. = You could try _______________________________ on the Internet. ④她进了厨房,想找点喝的。 She went into the kitchen __________________ a drink. ⑤他们彻底搜查了这栋大楼。 They made a thorough search ___________ the building. ; ⑥搜寻失踪者的行动(xíngdòng)已经放弃。 The search ________________________ the missing men was given up. ⑦After ________ the area for three hours, the police found the truck near a river. A. searching B. searching for C. in search of D. looking for;【解析】 ⑦句意:警方搜查这个区域(qūyù)3个小时后,在一条河的附近找到了这辆卡车。search sp. 搜查某处; search for /look for 寻找; in search of 寻找。;4. second only to 仅次于[同next only to];5. seek v. [T/I]寻找,寻求(xúnqiú),追求;③The special medicine for the disease was difficult to find though ________ everywhere. A. sought B. seeking C. being sought D. having been sought;【解析】 ③ 句意:治疗(zhìliáo)这种疾病的特殊药物很难找到,尽管已经到处寻找了。though 引导让步状语从句。当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致,或状语从句中的主语是it,并且又含有be动词时,常可省略从句中的主语和be动词,该句though后省略了it was,故选A。;6. separate v. ①[T]使分开,使分离(fēnlí);使隔开 ②[I]分开,脱离 adj. 单独的,分开的;④Separation from his friends made him sad. _____________________________________________ ⑤As we joined the big crowd I got ________ from


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