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PAGE PAGE 1 汉代家庭继承制度研究 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 摘要 5 一、本文的研究背景及研究意义 6 (一)研究背景 6 (二)研究意义 6 二、汉代继承法律制度 6 (一)法定继承 6 1. 爵位继承 7 2. 户主继承 7 (二)遗嘱继承 7 (三)继承权 8 1.继承人的范围和顺序 8 2.继承权的开始 8 3.继承权的保护与剥夺 9 三、家产的分割与继承 9 四、汉代家庭继承制度略论 10 五、结语 10 参考文献 11 PAGE PAGE 1 摘 要 本文以汉代家庭继承制度为主要研究内容。张家山汉简《置后律》的发现, 使我们知道汉代已经存在了规范家庭继承关系的专门法律。《置后律》主要规范爵位继承关系,它和《户律》、《傅律》中有关家庭继承的规定共同构成了汉代继承法律制度的主要内容。汉代家庭继承中,爵位、户主的身份是由法定的后子继承,后子按嫡长原则确立。家庭财产继承则由诸子平均分割和继承,汉代家产继承主要有父母在世时的“生分”和父母身后的析分两种方式。诸子均分制造成了汉代社会个体小家庭为主流的家庭形态。全文内容结构安排如下: 一、前言,以关于汉代家庭继承制度的研究综述为主体,回顾既往的研究状况,说明本文研究目的和研究设想,以此导向正文的写作。 二、汉代继承法律制度。有关继承关系的法律制度是家庭继承制度的重要组成部分,汉代继承法律制度规范的主要是身份继承关系。以张家山汉简中有关继承关系的律令为主要材料,按照现代民法中继承制度的框架重建对汉代继承法律制度的认识。 三、结语。 关键词:汉代, 继承 Abstract The dissertation focuses on the system of Inheritance in Han Dynasty. Discovery of “Zhi hou Law” (置后律) show that Han Dynasty had have the special law on relationship of Inheritance .“Zhi hou Law” main norm the relationship of nobility Inheritance , “Zhi hou Law”, “Hu Law” (户律) and “Fu Law ”(傅律) constituted the law system of Inheritance in Han Dynasty. In the family inheritance Han Dynasty , the rank of nobility and householder are inherited by the legal son( 后 子 ) , then the legal son establishes according to the closely related elder principle. All sons inherit the family property equally. There were two ways in the inheritance of the family property in Han Dynasty: inheriting before death of parents and inheriting after death of parents. The content structure of the full text is arranged as follows. First, foreword. It reviews the research state of the past, expounds the purpose of research and research imagining of this dissertation, then begin to writing of this thesis. Second, the legal system of Inheritance in Han Dynasty. The inheritance law is an important component of the system of family Inheritance in Han Dynasty. The legal system of Inheritance standardized inheritance of identity. According to the law materials on rel


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